Kohta Seiko and Ashley (AshleyMarieeGaming)

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This one shot includes Ashley (AshleyMarieeGaming[main]), Mitch (BajanCanadian), and Aleks (ImortalHD)

Dedicated to @KohtaKiller

*Kohta's POV*

"Nice try!" I shout after beating Ashley in a game of the hunger games.

Suddenly I start to hear yelling. "Um, hold on," I tell Ashley. I get up and walk over to the door of my apartment.

In the hallway I find Mitch and Aleks yelling at each other. We all live in the same apartment complex.

"Guys," I say, but neither of them heard me. "Guys!" I say a little louder. This time the both look at me.

"What's going on?" I ask. Commence more shouting. Wrong question I guess.

From the apartment across the hallway from me, I hear someone grumbling.

Well, probably because its ten at night.

"Both of you get in here!" I grab their arms and pull them into my apartment.

"Now, quieter and slower, explain what is going on." I demand.

I see Aleks open his mouth to start talking, so I turn to him.
But then, the unexpected happens. I find a pair of lips on mine. It's not Aleks' so that leaves one person: Mitch.

I'm in too much shock to even realize what happens next.

When I come out of that shock, I see Mitch on the floor, his lip bleeding.

Then I realize what is happening.

They are fighting over me.

"Both of you stop it!" That draws her attention.

"You're fighting over me," I state. "We are supposed to be friends, not rivals. Cut. It. Out."

Neither of them is looking at me now.

"We aren't going to stop until you choose." This came from Aleks, making me look at him only.

"Um, what's going on?" I hear Ashley ask from the ongoing Skype call.

"Fine. You know who I choose?" Now they are both looking at me again.

"I choose Ashley."

This was not the answer they were expecting. I can tell by the look on their faces.

"I love Ashley." I had never said this out-loud before. Only in my head.

Silence. Nothing but silence.

Then comes something I wasn't really expecting.

Ashley speaks up. "I choose you too, Kohta."


Yay! Another update! Been trying hard on not making you guys wait!

Let me know my effort wasn't wasted by commenting and voting.

I'm open for requests. I need your name, age you want to be, Youtuber, and situation. Message me or comment!

BYE!!! :D

(Lorelei likes to creep on these)


adios my sprinkled donuts

*flies to the moon while riding unicorn*

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