Testing, Testing....

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~Cartman's POV~

The test has only gone by like thirty minutes and I'm bored out of my mind! Thirty minutes? More like hours!

I've barely answered any of the questions. All of the questions are shuffled for each person or some shit. So it's difficult to fucking cheat now! Some questions I've still been able to, but I don't want to fail this damn test.

I look to the right of me. God, Kyle is so fucking cute when he has his focusing face on. And those eyes, I've never seen green eyes look that good on someone! Those eyes are like the top of a tree in the sun, or maybe like emerald shining so beautifully when light hits them. Yeah, definitely emeralds.

Kyle glances at me from the corner of his eye, then angrily stares at me.

"Stop copying me fatass! Look at your own answers!" He angrily whispered to me, similar to how he did earlier today when I was arguing with the teacher for simply putting a long test on a Friday. But come on! It's a Friday! Meaning we shouldn't have huge fucking tests!

I whisper back after making sure the teacher was looking at her computer and not us, "I wasn't looking at your answers, Jew"

Why the fuck did I say that, he better not have known what I meant.

Kyle squints his eyes at me in confusion. He slowly turns back to his computer screen and continues testing, or well I think he is, but he isn't moving. Just staring at the screen, zoned out.

Well shit.

I turn back to my computer, not wanting to make this any awkward than it already seems to be.

(Sorry for a short chapter, I promise the next one will be longer!!)

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