Lets Just... Talk...

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-Kyle's POV-

Finally I'm home. I expected Cartman to say SOMETHING about me being bi to our school, but surprisingly... he didn't... but why? Doesn't he constantly search for any reason whatsoever to tear me apart piece by piece? Has he gone soft? No... he's Cartman... he's up to something.

The reminds me... Cartman said something about wanting to talk to me after school. Should I just ignore him and forget it? Maybe... but then that might give him a reason to say something...


My phone violently vibrates and dings in my pocket, begging me to take it out and see what it has to tell me. I reach into my pocket and pull the device out. It reads "Fatass: Hey joo"

I take my gloves off and slide the phone screen to the right, unlocking it.


Hey joo



It's spelt "Jew," anyways,
what do you want?

K.. so u remember how i
told u i wanted 2 talk 2
u after school?

God I hate the way he types, I know it's quicker and all to just type "u" instead of "you," or "2" instead if "two," but just... why??

Yeah... you slammed your
tray onto the table just to
get everyone's attention and
in the end didn't do anything
except for whisper to me and then
you just sat in silence the
rest of lunch.

Ya, well do u think
u could come over?

I'm really not sure about this... I feel like he's planning something. I'm afraid I'm just walking into a trap... but what if I don't go? Then what? He might announce to the entire school my secret...


Cuz i need 2 talk 2
u? I already said that, joo


And with that I slid my phone right back into the pocket I yanked it out of and headed out.


I knocked on the Fatass' door. No answer. I knocked again, this time the door swung open almost immediately.

"Damn Kahl, you in a hurry to see me?" Cartman opened the door, the house behind him looking like a mess. There were bags of opened junk food everywhere! Mr. Kitty was halfway in one of them, probably eating as much as he can because I heavily doubt Cartman took the time to feed him.

"I... no... I just want to get whatever this is over with," I don't know what he's planning, but I'm most likely not ready to hear.

He chuckled, but didn't say anything. Instead he moved out of in front of the door and stretched his left arm out in a welcoming manner. I stepped in, cautious. I'm not going to let my guard down for even a millisecond, the last thing I will ever let myself do is trust that fatass.

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