The Invite

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~Cartman's POV~

After probably fifty hours, the test finally stops. Well, maybe not actually fifty hours, but it sure as hell felt like it!

We wait for the school bell to let us go home. The teacher sits at her desk not taking her eyes off the computer screen as the room fills with shrieks of hyper nine/teen year olds.

Kenny is sitting in the corner reading a book. Well, no, not a book. Just a smaller magazine covered up by a book. Probably some kind of Playboy.

I look a little to the right of Kenny and see Stan and Kyle talking. I approach the wall next to them and listen in to their conversation.

"Sorry dude," Stan started, "my parents are making me go on this stupid boating trip, so you wont be able to come over"

"Oh, well what about next weekend?" The green hat Jew asked.

"Yeah, I'll be home"

"Hey Jew," I bud in, "if you want to go to someones house so badly why don't you come to mine?"

"And why the fuck I do that?! You're an asshole to me!"

"I'm sorry, Kahl," I mumble under my breath

"I can't hear you," he says squinting his eyes at me.

"Nothing, never mind. Sorry I offered, Jew." I rushed out of the room as the bell rang to go home.

~Kyle's POV~

Was Cartman... upset? Surely not, he's Cartman. He wouldn't care if I died, why would he care if I didn't come to his house?

Well, he has saved me many, many times... so I mean I guess he would care if I died. Just- WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE SUCH AN ASSHOLE?!

I continued to ponder until a hand began waved up and down in front of my face. I shook my head, escaping my thoughts.

"Dude we have to get on the bus, no one is even in the room anymore. Not even the teacher." Stan pointed to the empty desk.

"Yeah okay..." I said, still trying to wrap my head around the whole Cartman thing thats been going on today.

'I wasn't looking at your answers, Jew' and 'if you want to go to someones house so badly why don't you come to mine?' Kept replying in my head. Is Cartman trying to hint towards something?

Is he actually trying to be kind or is this some fucked up elaborate prank he's planning to pull on me. Seeing that it's Cartman, it's probably the latter.

"Dude, seriously?" Stan snapped and continued to flail his arm in front of my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just somethings... somethings not right today," I apologized.

"It's okay, I just really don't want to miss the bus home, so can we just talk on the way?" Stan spoke while making motions towards the door and back at me.

"Oh... oh yeah sorry." I start walking with Stan next to me as the sound of our steps become unison, "Does Cartman seem weird to you today?"

Stan thinks for a moment, "Ehh not really. I mean he hasn't ripped on us today as much as he usually does... although we we're testing literally all day."

If Stan hasn't noticed anything, then its most likely just all in my head.

But what else could 'I wasn't looking at your answers, Jew' mean if it wasn't me he was looking at?

I lied on my bed, playing on my phone for a long while before remembering that Cartman had invited me to his house earlier today.

Would it be a bad idea to go anyways? I mean it is Cartman. Most likely this is just some prank to make me regret ever trusting him.

I tap the screen on my phone for a few more minutes playing my game.

"Urg, there's nothing to do!" I announce to myself. I decide to call Cartman to ask if I can still come over, I mean I obviously have nothing better to do.

I find the contact labeled "fatass" and hit the call button. Ring, ring. Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

He never picks up.

Whatever, he basically already gave me permission to come over anyways, not that I need it.

I jump out of my bed, put my phone into my pocket, and slip my shoes on. I dash down the stairs and see my mom in the kitchen.

"Where are you going off to in such a hurry bubbe?" She questions.

"I'm going to go over to Cartman's house. I'll probably be back in a few hours"

"Okay, but make sure to call me if you decide to spend the night!"

"I will!" I reply and bolt out the door.

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