Failed Phone Call

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~Kyle's POV~

We spent the whole rest of the day watching Terrance and Phillip just like yesterday. Well, not exactly like yesterday. This time we used blankets to make a pallet on the floor for me, so I slept by myself. Luckily.

The next day roles around and it's time for me to go home.

"Bye Cartman!" I say while heading towards the door and making sure I have my phone.

"You know, Jew, we only got through season six, you better come back next weekend" Cartman grinned.

Already he's asking me to come back? Wow. I awkwardly laugh and walk out the door.

On the walk back home I realize that I was thinking and smiling, about Cartman.

And I didn't stop thinking about him. It was night and I was lying in my bed, still thinking about him.

"Arg, stop thinking about that fatass!" I grab my phone, deciding that the only way to get this off my mind is to talk about him to my best friend, Stan.

Earlier when I had got back home I had put my phone on the charger since it died at Cartman's, so it's fully charged now.

Seeing that I almost always only talk to Stan, he was most likely the last person I talked to, so without thinking I hit the top contact under most recently called.

~Cartman's POV~

Right as I get comfy in my bed I start hearing a buzzing sound. At night I typically just keep it on silent because I don't care enough to talk to people when I want to sleep.

But for some reason tonight, I felt like picking it up.

I reach over and grab my phone and see that it's Kyle.

"Why is Kahl calling me?" I hit the green button to answer and begin to start speaking.

"-Hey Stan" Kyle says.

Oh my god, does Kyle think he called Stan? I mean probably since he said 'Stan'. I decide to play along.

"What's up Kah-Kyle," I said attempting to do my best Stan impression. Hell, if Stan can do a good voice impression of me I can sure as hell do the same.

"You okay, Stan? You sound a little... weird."

"Oh yeah.. dude.. just a little tired," I say, trying to convince him I'm actually Stan. Why doesn't he just look at his phone screen and see the contact obviously is not Stan.

"Oh sorry, I can call you tomor-"

"No it's fine!" I shout interrupting him. I want to know what wrong, even though what I'm doing is, well, wrong.

"If you say so..." Kyle began, "You remember how Cartman asked me to come over to his house Friday?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well even though I said no... I kinda went anyways.." he sounded... ashamed? Why?

"Dude, why??"

"I don't know! Maybe I was just bored.. or..." he mumbled the last part.

".....or....?" I urge him to go on.

"Oh. Nothing. Anyways, when I got there he had every single Terrance and Phillip episode on dvd! It was awesome! We planned to watch them all, but there was sooo many. And, well, I passed out early on Friday like midway season two, so that sucked.... but I might go back next weekend!"

I can't help but smile at all the things he is saying about me. It's... nice...

"Wait, isn't Cartman an asshole though? Why would he do binge watch all those with you. I figure he would just eat junk food all day and sit on his couch."

"Yeah, I figured he would too. It was nice though," Kyle said. I could tell he was smiling from what he said.

Now that we have whatever that was out of the way, time to do some messing around with him.

"Soo, did you ever get around to telling Cartman that thing?" I said, hoping this wouldn't give me away.

"Uh, what thing?" Kyle was obviously confused, telling by his tone of voice. I may have just screwed up.

"You know... that... thing..."

"Oh... no, Stan I'm not telling Cartman that! He already rips on me enough for being Jewish, imagine what he will do when he knows I'm bisexual! I'm pretty sure he strongly hates anything to do with being gay. Well except when it comes to Tweek and Craig which he tolerates at least."

Wait... Kyle is... bi? Hell yeah! Crap, what do I say though!? If I say something stupid he will get pissed at Stan or realize it's me! Shitttt!

"Hello, Stan?" I hear movement from his side, I bet he just looked at who he called- "GOD DAMNIT CARTMAN! YOU BETTER NOT FUCKING SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THIS TOMORROW TO ANYONE INCLUDING ME" and with that, he hung up.

I didn't even get to tell him that wasn't straight either.

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