I swear...

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~Cartman's POV~

The night before I had set an alarm on my phone to wake me up, as I figured my mom wouldn't be back home by then. I wish my mom would care more about me than sex for once.

I hop out of my bed, landing my feet onto the soft carpet. I snatch my jacket and hat off the floor where I had left them. After putting both of them on I walked down the stairs, and to no surprise saw that my mom was still gone.

"Of course," I mutter to myself. I walk to the living room and grab my half eaten bag of Cheesy Poofs from the night Kyle came over. Kyle... I wonder how he is doing...

I shake myself out of it, before I become trapped in thought. I still need to get to the bus, and thats what I shall do.

Seeing that I wont have to eat breakfast, I'm going to be pretty early for the bus. Maybe I'll be able to talk to Kyle about what happened last night.

I open my door, making sure to lock it behind me as I leave. As I walk to the bus sign I notice someone is already there.


Bingo, perfect time to talk to him! No one else will be here!

"Sup Jew," I say while approaching him.

"What the fuck do you want," he harshly replies.

"Whats wrong with you, got some sand in your vagina Kahl?" I smirked.

"You know damn well whats wrong." I open my mouth to reply, but was interrupted, "-and if you say anything about what I said last night to anyone including me, I will make you regret it."

"I swear, Kahl, I wont say anything."

"And I'm supposed to believe that why?! All you ever do is search for reasons to make me feel horrible about myself!" Everything he says was true about me... but thats didn't change the fact it hurt.

I sigh, getting ready to speak, "Kahl, the reason I'm not going to say anythi-"

"Yo," Stan says arriving, "you both are here earlier that usual."

"Yeah.. I need to talk to you later..." Kyle awkwardly shuffled the snow around under his feet.

"Yeah dude, whats up?"

"I'll just tell you later"

I wish Kyle didn't hate me so much, I mean it's reasonable with the way I treat him though. I just wish he could see through my asshole-ness and see that I still care.

Kyle and Stan continued to talk, but I didn't listen. After a bit I noticed Kenny walk up to the sign with us. Soon after the bus drove up and quickly stopped in front of us.

As the door of the bus opens, Kyle, Kenny, Stan, and then me walk into the bus, heading to the back as usual.

Kyle plopped down on one of the bus seats to the left. Kenny sat further down on the right. Maybe I'll be able to sit down next to Kyle? Right as I think this, Stan hops into the seat, destroying my hope.

I sit at a seat simi-close to the two so I could ease drop. However they didn't talk about anything interesting whatsoever. I shifted my sitting position so that I could stare out the bus window to my right. The trees passed by so quickly that they were nothing but green and white blurs in the distance.

Every time I saw green all I could think of was Kyle and his cute green hat.

Eventually the bus came to a stop and we arrived at school. Everyone jumped of their seats and one by one we exited.

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