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Kyle opened his eyes.

Or at least he thinks he did.

The darkness surrounded the boy. Nothing. That's what he could see. He attempted to sit up, but it was difficult to tell if he actually was.

The cold was getting to him. Kyle could barely feel anything, if at all. Grass. He was sitting on grass. Kyle knew he was in the tent, so that must mean Cartman was here too. Kyle tried to call out for him, but it was useless. He was tired, that was the one thing he knew for certain out of everything.

Kyle laid back down, whether it was grass, a blanket, or a sleeping bag was a completely other question. A question that Kyle wasn't sure if he'd be able to answer, even after some serious thought.

The Jewish boy laid there for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably only five minutes. Who knows really at this point?

All Kyle knew was that it was dark, and most likely very, very cold. He was almost glad that he'd lost feeling in most his body at this point. Better that feeling cold, he thought. Or maybe not, who know? Kyle certainly couldn't decide.

He closed his eyes, desperately trying to obtain sleep, but being denied by his body. He was tired, so very tired. All he wished for was sleep.

A faint sound was heard. So quiet that Kyle almost thought it was his imagination. The only reason he knew it was real is that he heard it again, and again, and again, coming closer and closer each time.

Eventually it became clear- orclearer at the very least. It was a voice. A voice calling out for something. Someone. Slowly it became more and more clear, until it was recognizable.

"Kyle?!" The voice called out, as if awaiting a response.e It was his mom.


Had she been looking for him? Had she actually cared about him missing? I mean of course she had, but more than ever Kyle was glad to hear her voice.


He decided that answering was probably a good idea. It was kind of a life or death situation right now, Kyle decided.

"Kyle?! If you're out there please answer me!" The voice grew quieter.

Kyle knew he needed to speak, now or never. He opened his mouth to try and say something. The crunch of leaves grew fainter. His mom was leaving. His chance of survival was leaving, growing slimmer and slimmer. He opened his mouth again to try and force something out. Failing. It's now or never, it's now or never, it's now or-

"Mom!" He finally cried out, his voice was rough and lifeless. Sleep was finally trying to claim him, but he couldn't sleep now. He needed to stay awake!

"Kyle?! Kyle sweetie is that you?!" Kyle's mom spoke frantically as the leaves crackled under her frantically moving feet.

Light was shone on the tent, illuminating the inside of their "cozy" shelter. Kyle could vaguely make out where Cartman was sleeping, wrapped around a mess of blanket, possibly multiple blankets.

Kyle finally rested his eyes when he heard footsteps growing closer and closer, knowing that he and Cartman would be safe.

It was if his eyes were glued together, desperately trying to force themselves open as the cement kept them as shut as ever. To Kyle's surprise, his eyes weren't glued together.


That is the first thing Kyle saw as his slowly opened his droopy eyelids. Sleep was beckoning him to come back to it's sweet embrace, but Kyle refused. Snoozing, for once, didn't sound pleasant.

Just a Small Crush.. Right? {Kyman}Where stories live. Discover now