... "Strange" Awakening

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A/N I wrote this (and the next two chapters) like 3-4 months ago, I figured I should post it even though I probs wont continue it. I mean maybe, just depends if I go crazy for South Park again once the new season starts in like a month or two. I don't remember

~Kyle's POV~

I start to wake up, strange seeing that I don't remember passing out. I start to go to stretch before I realize my arms are pinned to my side. I open my eyes to see Cartman right up next to me.... and cuddling me...

I almost screamed, but held it in. What the hell do I do??

I begin to start squirming around, trying to find some way to break my way loose from his strong grip.

I wiggle my body in multiple ways trying to get loose, but it was no luck.

I look over at Cartman. You know he's actually kinda cute when he's sleeping... and comfy-- WHAT THE HELL NO! I DO NOT LIKE FATASS LIKE THAT, HE IS A DICK TO ME!

I scream, not wanting to be this close to him anymore.

He jolts awake and realizes whats going on.

"AH!" He shouts while quickly pulling his arms away from me, finally allowing me to actually move.

"What the hell man??" I scolded while moving my now usable arms up to my hat to straighten it.

Cartman's eyes widened as he started glancing around the room shiftily "I don't usually sleep... sleep in the same bed as- with people, I didn't... I didn't know I cud- I didn't know I did that in my sleep!" He covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.

Did he just... apologize? Well basically! But damn, Cartman feeling sorry for something. Now I feel bad for screaming... I mean it wasn't too bad being in his arms...- NO!

I mentally slapped myself, I shouldn't be thinking gay thoughts about a racist, evil, self-absorbed, immature, destructive, sarcastic, loud-mouthed, lazy, insane child.

... but what about all those other times? He's saved my life more than once and has even sang to me about how much he loved me in front of loads of people over the Megatron. I mean, that last one way mostly just to ruin everything I was doing... but something about it seemed... sincere... in a way. Almost as if-

Cartman started snapping his fingers in front of my face trying to get my out of my daze.

"Uh, you okay, Kahl?" He questioned.

"Um, yeah. Why are we in your bed anyway? I don't remember even getting up here."

"Oh yeah uh," he starts getting nervous, "well you kinda passed out on the floo and I wasn't going to let you sleep there. And I sure as hell wasn't going to sleep there either!.... so we both ended up here.."

"You carried me? Just to make sure I didn't sleep on the floor? Wow Cartm-"

"Don't think about it too much, Jew."

I lightly smile, not really knowing how to respond.

And then it hit me. I forgot to call my mom. I jump out of the bed and start looking around for my phone.

"Uh, what're you doing...?" He asks.

"I forgot to tell my mom I was staying here for the night and I need to find my phone!" I spoke quickly.

"Oh. Its still on the floo from last night, I only picked you up," he said pointing to my phone.

"Oh. Haha" I say feeling dumb. Man I sure am blind. I bend down and snatch it from the floor. I click the side on.

"DUDE! I have like 20 missed messages!" I spoke, scared for what my mom would say when I finally answered her.

~Cartman's POV~

Damn, his mom sure does care about him... I wish my mom would give more than a rat shit about me.

"I need to call my mom real quick to tell her I'm fine" Kyle says, tapping on his phone as it doesn't light up, "well, except my phone just died... Can I use the phone downstairs?"

"Yeah sure... Wait, did you not tell her you were over here?" Did good boy Kyle lie to his mom?

"Oh, no no no! I just forgot to tell her I was actually spending the night," whew, I don't know what I would do if Kyle wasn't being his normal good self like he is most the time, "Well, actually I didn't even know I was spending the night."

"You seriously thought I would let you leave that easy, Jew?" I spoke without thinking.

"Heh" he awkwardly laughs while turning to walk out the door. As he walked off I caught a slight glimpse of a redish pink color on his face... was he... blushing?

I walk down stairs after some time and hear Kyle, still talking to his mom. I sit on the stairs looking towards where Kyle was turned away from me, on the phone.

"Yeah, sorry about that mom. But uh hey... can I spend another night here?" The Jew spoke.

He... he wants to spend more time with me? I can't help but smile! I figured after the whole 'cuddling' thing he would be begging to go home!

I wish I would have woken up first so I could have enjoyed him in my arms for more than two seconds. I sighed at this thought. Why would Kyle love a fatass like me...

"Thank you so much, mom!!" I heard Kyle shout happily as he plopped the phone back into place, hanging it up.

He started running up the stairs until he saw that I was sitting on them. He stopped in front of me with a grin on his face.

"My mom said I could stay another night!!" He spoke, beaming with excitement.


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