You Came!

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~Cartman's POV~

I sit on the living room couch with a bag of Cheesy Poofs in my arms, munching away as the two Canadian's on the tv fart on each others faces non-stop.

The one named Phillip jumps into the air and farts in the other's, Terrance's, face.

"AHHAHAHHHHHAAHH," I start laughing uncontrollably, "THAT WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS, PHILLIP!!!"

All of a sudden I hear a knock at my door.

"WHO IS IT" I yell, but get no answer, besides more knocking.

I threw my Cheesy Poofs down and snatched the remote off the table, turning the tv off. I walk over to the door and open it.

"Kahl! You came!" I shouted in disbelief to who was at my doorstep.

"I had nothing better to do. I remembered you wanted me to come over, so I did, but if this is some fucked up prank then I'm-"

"-Its not a prank, Kahl, " I cut him off, "but come inside, I don't want the house to be as cold as the snow god damnit."

Kyle walks in and looks around, "Where is your mom?" He asks after a little while.

"Oh yeah! Look!" I say while handing him a note. Or well, more like shoving it in his face, but you get the idea.

He grabbed and read it, "Ohhh ok, so she ditched you to have sex with a random dude and leave you all alone again, huh?" Kyle says jokingly.

"AYE, THAT IS NOT WHAT IT SAYS AND THAT IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED!" I irritatedly shout while snatching the note from his small Jew hands.

Kyle laughed a little and I smiled. His laugh is adorable.

~Kyle's POV~

"So what exactly should we do? Why were you wanting me to come over, that is" I eventually ask, looking straight at the Cartman in front of me.

Immediately his face lights up with joy and grabs my wrist, basically pulling me up the stairs. Jesus Christ, I've never seen him run so fast in my entire life!

We get up to his room and he lets go of my arm. He then speeds into his closet. At that moment I really wanted to make a joke about him being, well, in the closet, but, from the way he acts, I'm pretty sure he hates everything to do with homosexuality.... so that might make things weird.

I laughed slightly at it, but quietly so that Cartman wouldn't hear. If Cartman did hear me laughing though, I bet he'd say something like 'What are you laughing at, Jew?' I laughed a bit more at that.

After what seemed like forever- which was in reality only like a minute- he comes out with a plastic box that has pictures of Terrance and Phillip covering the sides. He plops it on the floor and sits down behind it.

"What is that?" I ask him

He doesn't answer, but just smiles and looks up at me while opening then pushing it into my direction.

I look into the box.

"Holy shit dude!" I shout while staring at a box that had every single episode of Terrance and Phillip on dvd.

I quickly sit on the carpet and go to grab one, but he quickly snaps the shut box and drags away from me, closer to him. He evilly laughs.

"Come on dude! We have to binge them all!" I practically begged.

"Oh I dunno Kahl..." he teased.

God damnit, he's enjoying this.

"Hmm, well I suppose we could..." he said, still teasing.

"Yes!!!" I excitedly spoke while throwing my arms into the air before realizing, "Wait a second... how did you even get these?!"

"Well," he stood up and reached into his pocket, "look who's mom forgot their credit card!"

"Dude! That's awesome!" For some reason I was praising him for this? That box of dvds probably costed a lot of money! "... but why did you only buy Terrance and Phillip dvds..?"

He opened the box back up and picked up one of the cases. He looked at it a smirked, "Well I had to have something to do with you this weekend."

"Wait.. did you buy these just so I would come over to your house?"

Why is Cartman being so nice, and to me of all people? Why does he want to hang out with me so bad? Why does he keep starring at me? Does he... he is straight... right?

"I just— I would have watched them even if you didn't come over, Jew. Don't feel special" He looked away as he spoke. While walking over to the dvd player, he popped the disk out of the case and slid it into the dvd player and sat down right next to me.

~Cartman POV~

We laughed and laughed at fart after fart. Some from the Canadian in the blue, while some were from the Canadian in the red.

"Dude, that was the best one yet!" Kyle announced after Terrance farted so hard he flew up to space.

"Hell yeah! And we're still only on season 2!"

I glanced over at the Jewish boy who was sitting with his knees folded up, resting his arms and head upon them. Every now and then his eyes begin to droop, before he jolted himself back awake.

Maybe I should go make a pallet for him to sleep on? No, that would be too nice and the last thing I want it for Kyle to catch on to... to how I feel about him...

I look back at the tv, knowing if I starred at him any longer he would have noticed. A few minutes go by and Phillip farted so hard that all the glass in the area shattered in seconds.

"HAHAHAHAAAAA, KAHL DID YOU SEE THAT?! AHAHAHAHAH!!!" I whip my head over to the right of me to see Kyle's reaction, but there was none. He had passed out, and I've got no idea for how long.

"Damnit I should have gotten something for him to sleep on," I say to myself, looking around my room so somewhere to put him, "because Kahl sure as hell wont be sleeping on the ground."

After scanning the room I realize, the only place I could put Kyle is on my bed. I don't want him to sleep on the ground, but I sure as hell am not sleeping somewhere else either.

I grab Kyle and pick him up with both my arms, "Shit, you're heavier than you look, Jew!" I place him on the side of the bed farthest from the wall and crawled around him, lying down on the other side. Lets hope Kyle doesn't get pissy about this in the morning.

I stare at the Jewish boy's face while slowly dozing off.

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