Emoji Fun

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Chapter 3

Annabeth- What emoji describes you? Why?

Jason-😎, because I am the man!

Leo-😜, who can resist my silly charm?

Piper-😋, because I am 🎶Happy!!🎶(the song)

Jason-u r halarious! Luv ya!❤️💋

Percy-🌀, because the awesome son of Poseidon!!

Hazel-💎,Daughter of Pluto!!what r these picture anyways?

Frank-?, I am not extraordinary

Percy- is ? supposed to be an emoji? An dude, u r extraordinary! U can turn into a dragon!


Piper- u could use the emoji for that!☺️

Hazel- r u messing with my boyfriend? Heck, I just learned what an emoji is!

Annabeth- 📖, u all know why!

Percy- yep sweetie! ❤️

Annabeth- Do not call me that!

Percy- sorry Pumpkin!

Annabeth- I give up!

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