Questions for Ya'll 2

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Hey this is another Questions for Y'all!

Answer the Questions, and then maybe a chappie will be dedicated to ya! Every 33 chappies, a Questions for Y'all will occur!( I will try to make it that way.) Also, my answer to the questions are under the questions!


1.Are the PJ books or movies better?

(I say books!)

2. Team Grover or Coach Hedge?

(I say Grover, although CH is cool.)

3. Jeyna or Jiper?

(This is too hard for me to answer.)

4. If you had to choose one of the seven who would die, who would you say?


5.Favorite Heroes of Olympus and Percy Jackson and the Olympians books?

(The last Olympian, and The Mark of Athena.)

6. Fav female of the seven?


7. Fav male of the seven?

(Percy and Leo.)

8. Do you like Charisse La Rue?

(Sort of!)

9. Fav actor or actress in the Percy Jackson movies?

(Leven Ramblen, who plays Charisse, and Glimmer in The Hunger Games.)

10.Beach or Mountains?( random question)


11. Fav section of this book so far?

(I like Kool Candy.)

12. Fav god?

(Poseidon or Apollo)

13.fav Goddess

(Artemis, but Athena and Nike r second.)

14. Sweet or Sour?( random question)


15.Do you like the Demigod Files or the Demigod Diaries better?

(The Demigod Files)

16. Do you believe that Camp Half Blood and the Greek Gods are real?😉😜


16. Do u like Arachne or the Minotaur Percy first fought better?

( the Minotaur because Arachne was so mean to Annabeth.)

17. What would be your demigod weapon?

(Sword and bow)

18. Are you a demigod?

(Yes, and most of y'all who are reading this are too!)😜

19. Do u like Hades or Zeus better?

(Hades, cause curse the soul who had Jason as a child! Technically, Jason is a child of Jupiter, but same difference.)

20. Team Nymph or Cyclops?


21. Do you like this book so far?👍👎

(I hope y'all do!)


Continue reading, this is dedicated to TheDaughterOfHermes!

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