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Annabeth- So, r u a party person or an book person?!?

Leo- The party goes where Leo goes.

Annabeth- I LOVE books.

Percy- I am a really bad reader, so party!!!

Piper- Books. I hate crowds.


Leo- Man get a life

Jason- U pick on someone your own size...


Jason- haha.....

Frank-books. I don't like to party.

Hazel- Both!! Who could choose?

Percy Leo Frank Annabeth Jason and Piper- Us!

Hazel- True dat.

Leo- Leo is the party king!!

Percy- Percy is the party king!!

Jason- Have a party off at my place. All of y'all come!!

Percy- *dances around crazily at Jason's place*

Leo- *Gets up on table and slaps butt*

Piper- Umm....

Percy-*Yells,"Let's get a drink!"*

Annabeth- Aren't we a little young...

Percy- *yells to Annabeth,"I mean blue lemonade!!"*

Leo-*yells,"let's have a mob dance!"*

Jason- No.

Leo- *yells, "Let's gets this party

Percy-*goes to d-jay stand and makes the ladies stare in aw especially Annabeth!*

Leo- *Calls the whole camp to party*

Camp Members- *carry Leo around on their shoulders chanting,"Leo!*

Jason- It looks like we have our winner!


Jason- I haven't said it was u yet.

Percy- So it is me?

Jason- It is LEO!

Leo- Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! In your face Percy!!!!!!!

Percy- Let's see who can hold their breath longer...

Leo and Percy- *Runs to lake*

Hazel- Poor Leo.... Percy can breathe underwater!

Frank- Percy deserves to win!!!

The Seven Demigods Texting- A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now