Mortal Meets Percabeth

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This is a bonus chappie!!!! Mortal meets Percabeth!!!


Alec's POV

There is this incredibly hot new girl who has the blondest hair and grayish eyes. I have literally been dreaming of a girl this beautiful my whole life!!! Even Eric, my best friend winked at me and said," Dude, did your imagination summon her? You haven't stopped talking about a girl that beautiful." You get the point. I am in love.

I am the shy boy who is the Team Captain of the Swim Team. I haven't had many girlfriends, or much practice with girls. The new girl sits right in front of me in math. I dream about the honeysuckle sent on her back, and-

"Dude stop staring!!" Says Eric, knocking me out of my daze. "Sorry! I might need some help with class today cause I spaced out!"

"I'll help!" Says a beautiful voice beside me. Her. She is so pretty. "Earth to Alec!" Says Eric. I smile. "That would be great! After school then?"


2 mouths later

I still haven't had the nerve to ask her out. You know, her, or even her real name Annabeth. "So you have a visiter coming with you today, Annabeth? I heard he is gonna practice after school with the swim team!

He? He? I say," Annabeth, is that true? I though we were gonna practice math at my house today!" (Yeah I am skipping swim team for that..)

"Oh sorry, Alec!!! I'll have to get you a new tooter, although you don't need one!"

"A new tooter? What, you are perfect! Why can't you keep on tootering me?" I say after class. I've always been an a average student, but with Annabeth I never get below an A+. My mom is always wondering why I am doing so much better.

"Alec, I am going away for awhile, to a special camp. This is my last day, and at the end of the day I am leaving. At that a blue car pulls up and a ripped boy with dark hair and vibrant blue eyes. "Annabeth!!!!!!" He yells. Everyone is watching. She runs up and kisses him on the lips. I cry being the manly man that I am. Everyone stares and Annabeth cries, "Did I do something, Alec?" I just run away and little did I know that three years later I saw the mysterious blue eyed boy and Amnabeth pushing a baby stroller.

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