Spelling Bee

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Annabeth- OMG, have you meet the Spelling Bee?

Piper- Uh why?

Annabeth- You know how normal teenage girls have crushes on superstars and how they fangirl over them? I LOVE THE SPELLING BEE!!

Hazel- That isn't weird!?

Percy- You love me more right?

Annabeth- Yep but the Spelling Bee is so cute! He is having a concert about math in May and I am going!

Frank- Annabeth likes someone who is called the Spelling Bee and he sings about math! That is soooooo Annabeth

Spelling Bee- 🎼Buzzz Buzz goes me, and I am not just a normal bee, I sing about math cause math makes cents and it'll all add up in the end!🎼

🎼Math measures up, pie is my homey!🎼

Spelling Bee- That is for ye Annabeth!

Annabeth- *faint*

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