Raise the Heat!

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Hey guys! I am writing this on the plane to Belgium, so please excuse me for any spelling mistakes!

Annabeth-If you were a celebrity, what would you be famous for?

Leo- My devilishly good looks and charm!😏😜

Hazel- Have you looked in the mirror lately?

Leo- No comment

Piper- I wouldn't be famous. Ever. My dad's career has taught me that!

Percy- U would know, Piper. I would be famous in the Greek world for killing Gaea!

Jason- You wanna bet who becomes famous for that?

Percy- You're on!(just so ya know I defeated Kronos, so I am way better than you!)

Jason- (Just so ya know I defeated a famous Roman Titan, so I am WAY better than you!)

Percy- just so ya know, I fell in Tartarus for Annabeth, defeated the Cyclops that Odysseus defeated, as well as Medusa, regained the lighting bolt, help up the sky, went through the Labyrinth, and did I mention defeating Kronus? I am WAY WAY WAY better than you.

Piper- That is a long list!

Percy- Jason, have you got anything more to add to that list?!?

Leo- U just got splashed by the son of the Sea God!

Hazel- I hate to burst your bubble, but that 'splashed' thing doesn't work, Leo!

Leo- You LOVE to burst my bubble!

Hazel- True dat.

Hazel- I would not be famous, I hate attention. It would be ok to be a preator, though.

Frank- Well, I am a preator, so I kind of like that sort of fame.

Annabeth- I WILL be a famous architect!!

Percy- Way to be an optimist, Wise Girl! U r famous to the Olympians for that though.

Leo- True dat!

Leo- Anyone have a craving for corn dogs too?

Piper- What a weird question!

Leo- They r just so yummy! Anyone have any?

Jason- Wait until breakfast, then the magic plates in the Pavilion will make u some.

Annabeth- U eat corn dogs for breakfast?!?

Jason- Who doesn't?

Percy- Classic corn dogs at breakfast! So yummy...

Piper- Eww!

Leo- 👊 Jason

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