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Dedicated to nigelfishy101
You've voted for every single one of my stories! Thx so much!

Annabeth- Are you good at dancing!?!?💃💃💃💃

Percy- Why don't you come over to my cabin and see?!? 👏👏👏👏👏✌️💃🚶💑😜😘😄😌😆

Piper- That was... Wow! Mom would approve!

Leo- I am mentally applauding you right now!

Drew- So... Much... Romance and charmingness.....*faint*

Leo- Yes!!! An hour or two with out hearing from Drew!

Apollo- That was an awesome rhyme.

Leo- What can I say? I am full out awesome!

Percy- Awesome huh? Can Mr. Awesome beat me in a dance off?

Leo- Gladly.

Annabeth- Come on guys!!! Don't do this competition thing.... We all know who won that last time! We don't wanna ruin Leo's confidence!

Leo- I've won against Percy before....

Percy- I've kept a tally chart... That's a lie.

Annabeth- Percy! I told you to boost his confidence not wear it down!

The Seven Demigods Texting- A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now