Jason and Piper-Ship Names

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Annabeth- What's your favorite Jason and Piper ship name?
Piper- JIPER!😘
Leo- Liper.

Jason- Gosh Leo!!! No.

Leo- What can I say? All da ladies Luv Leo!

Percy-*facepalm* No, all da ladies Luv Percy. Right Fangirls?

Nation of 1,000009099000000 Fangirls of percy: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Annabeth- Nooooo Percy is mine!

Hazel- OTP!

Frank- I like Pason.

Percy- He just said it.

Frank- What?

Percy- The You Know Who of All Ship Names.

Hazel- Frank.... That's an illegal ship name!

Piper- Tie him up!!

Jason- Bro..... Never say The You Know Who Of Ship Names again...

Harry Potter- You Know Who is my fandoms thing!!!!!

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