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There is a moment where I let my guard down when I look up to see Simon Snow standing in the foyer. That moment ends quickly, but it was definitely there. I wonder if he noticed. Oh. The Bunce girl is here also. I turn my attention back to Snow. He's hurt. There is a pink, thin cloth bandage wrapped tightly around his arm.

"Snow," I say cooly, the book still in my hand, but lowered from my face.

"Baz," he says. His hair is a mess and he has got twigs and leaves all over him.

"Bunce," I say, turning towards the girl, less irritated, but not friendly.

She nods slightly. "Baz."

I shut my book with one hand, the other cramming into my pocket. I still can't believe Snow is in my house. "I don't mean to be rude," I say.Snow scoffs. "But may I ask what you two are doing here?"

"Simon's hurt, and there's nowhere el-" Snow elbows his friend. She rolls her eyes at him.

"And I suppose Vera has told you to wait there. Unless you are so amazed by my humble home that you cannot take a step inside." I smirk. Snow is about to say something when my father walks into the foyer.

"Vera has told me that one you is hurt, and in need of assistance. Mr. Snow I assume?" My father doesn't like Snow anymore than I, but he is an expert host. Snow nods. "And since you are here in the first place I believe it is safe to assume also that healing spells aren't working. Basil," He says turning to me. I can never figure out how he knows when I'm around. "Take Mr. Snow and Miss. Bunce to a bathroom and get them washed up. Mr. Snow," He says, turning again to Snow. "You are to stay here tonight, you are badly hurt and I see no other solution." He nods at the two of them, pivots on his right foot, and walks back down the hall.

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