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Simon POV

This is not a guest room. It's a death trap. There dust all along the tall shelves full of books, the chandelier hanging from the ceiling looks like it's about to drop, and the dim lighting doesn't help. Did Baz plan this? Did he send the goblin? But how would he know that I would come? I went on my own, no persuasion necessary.

"I am not staying here." I say. Baz is leaning against the door frame, clearly amused.

"Fine. You can sleep in my room, on the couch."

"And I'm supposed to believe that your room isn't creepier than this one?"

"Actually yes, considering that someone actually lives in there. Your choice." He starts to walk down the hall. If I don't follow him, I won't know where his room is. But what if it is worse than this one? I end up jogging down the hall after Baz.

Once I'm settled on the couch with an extra blanket and a throw pillow, Baz flips of the light switch and crawls into his own bed, facing me. I can only just make out the shape of his face.

"Baz," I say, quietly.



"For what?"

After a small silence, I say, "For being here."

I can't quite hear what Baz says next, but I swear it was, "Your welcome, Simon."

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