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I'm shaken awake by Baz, standing over me, already dressed. I raised my head a few inches to look at his face. No emotion. I flop my head back down, only to imediately pulling it right back up, bringing the rest of my body with me. I slowly turn my head. Damnit. I fell asleep on Baz's bed. On Baz's bed. I look over at Baz, but he's just standing at his wardrobe, not even talking about it. I decide to take it, not wanting the awkward conversation to occur.

I can't believe he isn't more mad. Why was I even on his bed in the first place? I can't remember.

I walk over to him and look over his shoulder. He's going through all his t-shirts and jeans. Crowley I would never have imagined Baz in a t-shirt and jeans. I mean, they are expencive, but for some reason, I always imagined Baz at home. In something a little more... Classy.

He pulls out a dark green, plain, t-shirt, and a light. Blue pair of jeans, laying them over his arm.
"These should for you. I know it's cold, but you'll have to wear a t-shirt because of your arm." He turns and walks out of the room, only to appear a few seconds later, saying, "Well? Aren't you coming Snow?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts and I nod hastily, following him out into the hall.

Simon Snow looks lovely in average clothing. He looks lovely in the Watford uniform. He looks lovely. I tear my eyes away from him, probably quicker than I needed to, my cheeks flushing to a baby pink. I try to move on to the next thing, (Aliester Crowly, how am I going to get any work done when Snow is here looking like that?) By turning on my heel from the bathroom where Snow changed, walking back down the hall, in the direction of the library.

Snow wanders around the library for a few moments before ploping down in a forest green velvet lounge chair and sighing. I roll my eyes even though my back is turned to him and keep reading my book. Snow sighs again, this time more exaggerated and audible. I let out a long silent breath and continue to read. Once more Snow begins another sigh, this time more like a lion's roar, loud and exasperated. I slam my book shut and turn on my heel towards him, not letting him finish his sigh.

"Simon, if you can't tell, I'm trying to read, and if you are bored well then you may look at a book; Crowley, we're in a library, you shouldn't be bored at all, in fact you should be reading."

Just as I'm about to turn back to my book, Snow speaks. "Baz..."

"What now?" I say, rolling my entire head towards him. He's... He's smiling. Why is he smiling?

"You called me Simon..." He giggles as my face heats up and my eyes widen. I did, didn't I?

"Nonsence, Snow, of course I didn't. Now grab a book and start reading. I'm trying to figure out why Bunce's magic wasn't healing your arm." I try to sound bored, like I don't care at all, but I can't quite figure out if I pulled it off. Snow gets up, giggles, and mutters something I swear sounds like, "did too," and walks over to one of the shelves.

What is going on inside that boy's head?


Happy mother's day! What are y'all doing to celebrate?

I just have to put out there, the fact that for mother's day I made sour cherry scones, which I am eating right now!

Thanks for reading, Loves,
Snow <3

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