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Golden light filters through the drawn curtains.
I stretch and find that I am quite sore. The events of whenever I was last awake flutter through
my head but it’s all blurry.
I sit up and rub my eyes. I’m in Baz’s room, draped over the sofa. I am alone. The door is ajar.
The whole scenario feels off, like I’ve missed an important detail and now I’m just confused.
I push the blanket off me and find that I am still wearing jeans and socks, two very uncomfortable things to wear to bed.
I reach the door and peak my head into the corridor. The dim hall is empty but a faint laugh from a few rooms down draws me in. Light spills into the hall from the room, the one I faintly recognize as the library. I’m blinded by warm sunlight as I walk into the library. I blink and shade my eyes with my hand.
Backlit by the floor to ceiling windows are… Baz and Penny? Having tea together? They seem
whimsical and light, like angels. I have the faint feeling that I’m dreaming.
“Simon!” Angel Penny sees me and jumps into my arms. I stumble. I half expected her to
go right through me.
“Oh,” is all I can get out.
“Are you feeling alright? Do you remember what happened? Here, sit.”
I am seated at the table near the window, and from this angle I can see that Baz and Penny seem less angelic.
“What… Um, how did…” I scrunch my face and push the heels of my hands against my forehead. “Can we turn down the sun?”
Penny laughs but complies. After some of the curtains are drawn closed I open my eyes and relax my face in relief. Baz is seated directly in front of me.
“You… you saved me,” I say stupidly.
Baz smirks. “Why yes, who else would protect you from the scary nine year old girl?”
Penny laughs. My face heats up and I lean in, my voice serious and low. “That child is a
monster, Baz. No wonder you’re mean and bitter. Living under the same roof as her.”
I can feel Penny trying not to laugh behind me but Baz and I hold eye contact for a few
moments and I’m surprised to find his gaze so un-patronizing.
“Well, you’re safe now, so catch me up.” Penny draws us out of our connection, dragging her chair between us. “I saw you weren’t able to heal the wound with magic, though it seems to
be getting a bit better on its own.”
I pretty much forgot I was injured, and Baz’s widened eyes and late nodding suggest he
did too.
“Um, yeah.” The rest of yesterday’s events trickle into my brain and I look down at the table, spotting a plate of scones across from me and immediately shoving one in my face. I glance up to find Baz avoiding eye contact as well.
“Well?” Penny questions impatiently. “You two didn't find anything while I was gone?
Look around, this place is full of books!” Penny excitedly glances arounds the room like a child
waiting for their mother to let them free on the playground.
Baz looks at me. I focus on the lush carpet.
“Guys. You obviously found something, just tell me what it is. Or is it that you found
nothing at all?”
“Snow, tell her. There’s no point in avoiding it.”
I look up quickly, watching as Penny retains Baz’s words.
“Simon…. Tell me what?”
My face heats up and I look angrily at the table. Why did Baz have to say anything? Why do we have to talk about it? I would have been just fine to go about my day without having to
think about it.
“Simon, tell me. The bite can’t be healed? Will it just heal on its own? Or… holy morgana. Simon you aren’t dying are you? Please tell me you aren’t dying I-”
“No, Penny, I’m not dying. I’m just… I’m not a wizard.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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