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I pace the library. I look up at the doors. After a few minutes I realise Snow isn’t coming back.

He told me he was leaving, yes, but I expected him to walk back in, tail between his legs and
ask me to escort him to the door. He’ll never find it on his own.

When I finally go to the doors and look down each end of the hallway he’s out of sight. I decide he most likely went left, cursing myself for being such a blubbering idiot who let him walk away.

I’m still fuming.

I don’t know where I’m going but I’m determined to find my way out of this hellish maze without
any help from Baz.

I speed walk down the hall and around the corner and slow my pace as I reach the bathroom where Baz treated the wound and Penny left me to fend for myself.

I take a couple deep breaths. I think we came from deeper down this hall to get to the bathroom,
so I continue, straining to find any landmark around the red-velvet corridor.

On one hand, I didn’t think Snow would be stupid enough to take too many turns in a place
where he could easily get turned around, but on the other hand, he probably is that stupid.

I tap my foot against the cushioned carpet and let out a frustrated growl.

I turn the corner, towards the bathroom where I fixed him up. I half-expect him to be there, waiting for a rescue, but when I
pass the shining tiles and marble counter, Snow is nowhere to be found.
I continue down the hall, towards the foyer. What if he already made it out? How would I know? What if I continue to search for him for hours and he’s already gone? Or worse, if I give up and
he’s still here? I don’t want him getting mixed up with my father, or any of my family, for that

I look up and almost faint when I see Penelope Bunce standing at the top of stairs, muddy boots
destroying the carpet.

I think I took a wrong turn somewhere. Maybe I should have just gone down one hallway, then the next, process of elimination. But that would take too long and it’s too late now because I am
completely turned around.

I’ve grown nervous of encountering anyone who lives here. I’m not even entirely sure who does live here. All I know for sure is Baz, Baz’s father, and Baz’s maid. But there is such an
extraordinary amount of rooms, it can’t possibly only be for Baz, his father, and the help.

There is a door on my left that is ajar. I stop. Most of the doors I’ve passed are closed and locked. This one is open, light and laughter spilling into the hallway. Something tells me I should
back away slowly.

I’ll be damned if I listen to directions.

“What are you doing here?”

“Gee, thanks, for that warm welcome, Baz. I’m here for Simon.”

“Oh. Right.”

The Bunce girl averts her eyes and smooths her frizzy mess of hair after politely removing her
scarf. “So, where is he?”

“Oh, yes, um…” I suppose there’s no harm in telling her I’ve lost him. She can help me find him.
“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“Yes, I do not. Care to help me look?”

Bunce rolls her eyes and shakes her head in her hand, mumbling to herself. She then shrugs off
her coat and leaves it with her scarf and gloves in a pile on the floor. “Yes, Baz, I will help you
look for our lost Simon.”

“You mean your lost Snow. I’m not taking responsibility for that dunce,” I say as I turn to head
back up the hallway.

“No, no, not this time. I left him in your care.”

“I never agreed to be his babysitter!”

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