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•two weeks later•

There were a lot of things I had to worry about. I was glad that I would be released out of the hospital in a couple of days, because I lived hell in here, but I had no where to go.

Im relieved I wasn't asked about my personal ID, or anything that would reveal my true identity by anyone again. I was safe for now.

That's what matters.

My new doctor came in, "Hey, there, Miss Winster."

I smiled at the surname that was mine truly but it had been the only thing I remember from home, "Hi."

„When will I be able to leave?" I question him after a while of Dr. Howard examining me. The bruises had faded, theres only the psychological part of me that was damaged, my eyes were lifeless also.

"So far everything looks quite all right besides of your concussion and the fact that you have been experiencing some amnesia." He agrees, I didn't know why he says this all the time. I couldn't remember anything before Jordan, or after he had beaten me up. Just our marriage and the last fight, that made me run. It wasn't a big deal anyway. "You need more medications, it's more serious than you ought to think and I can't let you go without those. Unfortunately they've run out of stoke, so we have to wait with your release." He had stated. I nodded helplessly, twiddling my thumbs a nervous habit of mine.

Maybe it was for the best. I needed time to figure out how to find a place to stay, I still got money but I knew that it would only last for at least six months. Also I had to find a job as soon as possible.

The doctor left, and I asked him if he could leave the door open since I would probably later want to walk around. And mind you it was exhausting with all of the bruises on my body, I felt like a big walking bruise anyway.

I couldn't remember if I had any family left, or friends...

As I was sitting up, I saw the Malik guy from the other night. He had his arms draped all over his ‚girlfriend' of a while, staying up by the crutches.

So it hadn't been a dream then... it really hadn't felt like that happened, I thought because of my concussion I was seeing things that perhaps were weirdly linked in my brain to process everything going on, such as meeting a vip.

And what he told me about the hospital was true. The epidemic disease most rooms were evacuated and occupied.

He's also staying for charity causes.

It still didn't make sense to me, why someone like him would like to spend his free time here.

Everyone claims he's a douchebag, well I don't believe anything written, only what I see.

I move a little further up the bed, and since the room wasn't that big, I could hear them. The position I was in allowed me to see them but not really be seen. Only if they'd completely turn around.

She's really pretty, and she's the perfect girlfriend I guess because of her height, face, blonde hair, body type and all that. A man's dream I guess. But for some reason she always comes off putting to me when I used to see her backstage...

And if I were to believe the tabloids he cheated on her multiply times, and vice-versa. I don't say I believe them, but like any other housewife, which I really wasn't yet I was unwillingly made into, I used to watch a lot of TV and scroll through the internet finding clickbaits.

„Can we leave now, Zayniepoo?" she mumbled tiredly, her head rests on his chest.

„In a while, I just need to check something..." he's annoyed, asking the receptionist something I couldn't hear.

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