chapter 19

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Melissa finally opened the door. She tried to room past me but I got a good grip on her arm. She starts crying frantically.

"What?" She asks with trails of tears down her face. People say she never cries but sadly I make her cry. All the mistakes I ever did have made her cry multiple times.

"Look I'm sorry okay. I should of told you! I did a stupid thing. I promise you that I wont hurt you just cone with me." I say.


"Look I'm sorry okay. I should of told you! I did a stupid thing. I promise you that I wont hurt you just cone with me." Shawn says. Christina is behind him shaking her head. I grab my hand away.

"No. I'm done with you. I don't care what you do. I'm done." I yell. I walk to the front door. "Leave."

"But Li-" He doesn't finish his sentence.

"Get the fuck out and leave me alone." He walks out and I slam the door. I feel a weight off my chest.

"Good job Meme." Christina says and I go on my phone.

»»»»» 2 weeks later «««««

So I haven't talked to Shawn since the incident at Christina's house. I've gotten to know Daniel though, I apologized for getting him involved and kissing him and everything. Now he's like a close brother to me. I actually talk to Trey now. I never noticed how much I liked him and his personality until he was the one to be there for me anytime when I need him. We don't officially go out but if he asks I would say yes, he knows how to treat me right.


I haven't talked or seen Melissa since what happened. I miss her but she doesn't seem to miss me. Chris told me she talks to Trey now. I really hate that nigga taking whats mine and shit. If he crosses me I'm killing him. I'd kill for Lissa, that's just what I might do.


You can never understand how much I love Melissa. I'd die for her. I'm picking her up for school today. Let me go call her to bring her.

"Hello?" She says in her morning voice.

"Hey baby." I smile even though I know she can't see me."Get ready after I finish getting ready I'm picking you up." She groans after I say that.

"Okay, fine." Melissa sighs and with that she hangs up. I wasn't feeling in the mood to be dressy today. So I picked out a white plain T-shirt, black sweatpants, and my Timberland's. After I am on my way to go pick bae up . When I reach her house I knock on the door and Chris answers.

"Wassup?" He asks as he daps me up.

"Nothing. Bout to make it official today." I say winking Chris knows what I mean. We been talking about that happening since Melissa been happier and back to her rebellious self.

"Aye my nigga!" He pats my back. I go upstairs and walk in Melissa's room.

"You better be dressed." I say

"And if I'm not?" She asks with a lil sass and her hand on her hip. I admired her and what she was wearing. She had a short jumpsuit with a white crop top and Timberland's. Her hair was out curly,crazy,and out of control but I liked it. "Don't we have to go to school?" She asks snapping me out of my daydream and kissing my cheek. I nod following her out her room outside to my car. I open the door for her and then job to the drivers side and get in. We reach the school in 5 minutes tops. When we get out we walk to the courtyard hand in hand.

"Wassup?!" Kiyah yells hugging me.

"Hey light skin." I say while hugging back. We say our hey's and wassup's and chill with our friends a little. That is until Shawn comes. I drag Trey away. I seen what Shawn can do I don't want him to hurt Trey and I know Trey feels the same way about me. We walk to a table in the courtyard that is completely empty and has no one surrounding it. We sit on the table and put our feet on the seats, we just like that.

"I guess its a better time than any right now." Trey says. I look at him baffled.

"Huh?" Trey quickly grabs my small hands in his.

"Melissa Lilly Jones. You've been my best friend since diapers. I know your favorite color is red. That you hate wet door knobs. You love salad. Hate all condiments but ketchup. And when your sick only your nose turns red. I could go on. But all I really wanna know is .. do you wanna go out with me?" I'm shocked.

"Yes. I do." I smile and kiss him I feel tears of joy filling my eyes. I let them fall.

"So you're finally my girl!" He yells as he grabs me and spins me around.


"Yes. I do." Those words Melissa said were stuck in my head. She's mine now. And only mine.

"Baby I promise I'm not gonna hurt you at all. I'm gonna be loyal and stick to you. No hoes I'm gonna cut them all off. And I'll keep my hands to myself. I'll always love y-"

"Shut up and kiss me." She says as we passionately kiss. I pull away and take my phone out.

"New couple pic?" I ask her. She smiles and nods. We take hella pics. But I only post one on Instagram. In the pic she's making a kissy face and I'm smiling. I caption it with this : Fuck you hoes all I need is my main chick

Melissa goes on her phone and checks her insta. She looks up at me and smiles. I look at her comment : - awwwwww you're my main nigga ❤

I look at the time and decide we should start going inside to class so we won't be late. Our first day of school being a couple..

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