1. The Beginning

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"Lexi Crawford to office a1, please. Lexi Crawford."
"Girl, why are they always calling you for something?"
I look at Keli who was typing away at her phone, most likely on Facebook posting another status about her baby's father. Some girls never learn, obviously.
"I don't know. Maybe a promotion?"
I tease with a smile knowing how bad she wants one.
"A promotion? You mean to the Celebrity Specialist Expert?" She scoffs, "Honey, the last celebrity I assisted was Ed Sheeran. He had me in the kitchen cooking for his behind. Cooking! He was like ' I never seen a black woman in my kitchen before' , and all I could say was 'I assume not'!"
I hold my laughter in, being mindful of how sensitive she is to that experience. It was her first ever "Celebrity Moment" as she says, and she wanted it to be with a celeb she was a big fan of. It never quite happened that way and when she was told it would be him, she didn't know who the guy was. The perks of being a Celebrity Specialist Beginner (CSB). Sadly, She had a meltdown in the headquarters' restroom afterwards.
"Well, hopefully their about to give me my next client. I haven't had one in almost a month and I'm ready to get that big check already."
I say changing the subject as I got up to retreat to the office announced. I was anxious if not intimidated by what they could possible want. My heels echoed throughout the long hallway as I strutted towards the last door on the right. Straightening my pencil skirt with my hands, I inhale deeply before opening the door.
Smiling my best smile, I open my mouth to say, " Good morning, Mr Jamison. You wanted to see me?"
He looks up from his laptop before replying, "Oh, yes. How are you today, Ms Crawford?"
"Well, right now I'm nervous. I don't know why I'm here."
"Well, there's nothing to be nervous about. It's me, Fun old Mr Jamison."
I smile assuring that I could see that.
I wish he would just get on with it.
"Is this about what happens last week with Becky?!"
I blurted our suddenly without thinking.
"No of course not this has nothing — wait what happened last week with Becky?"
Freak me!!! Why can't I keep my fuh-reaking mouth closed?!!
"Nothing, sir. Just ... nothing. I'm sorry, What were you saying?"
He squints his eyes as if trying to read my mind before continuing. "What was I saying?"
"The thing about why I'm here?"
"Oh, right. Ms Crawford, how would you feel about stepping up a bit?"
My eyes widened as a caught on to what I was being told.
"Wh-what are you saying?"
He nods his head in approval to what I was hinting at.
"Shut up!"
I exclaimed ,not caring about the confused expression that crossed his face, " no I didn't mean it like that. I meant, are you serious right now?"
"That's only if you want it. We have received numerous ratings where you are at the top of our most wanted celeb specialists."
"Oh my god! I can't believe this is happening right now. Me? A CSE of TLC!?" I hold my chest. Am I having a hard attack? Maybe not a heart attack but something is definitely going on here.
"Ms Crawford?"
I feel like I've won the lottery. Maybe even a little more excited than that. I can't believe this!!
"Ms Crawford?"
I look up at Mr Jamison, unable to speak because of the excitement running a marathon through my veins.
"Um, of course. I would love to take on the CSE position Mr Jamison. Thank you. Thank you so much."
"Good. Because it would be a challenge to find someone with your ability. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me," He click a few keys on his laptop, " okay so your first client, who is willing to pay $5,000, is    Michael Ealy."
"The Michael Ealy ? Wow. Okay, what's the assignment?"
I couldn't deny the feeling of accomplishment rising inside of me. Working with celebrities is my dream and since I've been at TLC I knew those long nights of dreaming about it would pay off. Since being a physical therapist never quite worked out for me I knew what part of the job I enjoyed most. Helping a celeb. Now it's time to bring my A game and show these bastards why I deserve this promotion.
"Mr Ealy needs someone to put together a formal dinner. His mother is arriving in two days from Pittsburgh, and he wants her to receive a warm welcome. Too much?"
I smirk.
"Is that a joke? Because nothing's too much for me."
"I trust you'll make Mr Ealy especially proud. He's paying quite a bit for you to make any kind of mistakes."
"I know and I assure that I will indeed give him his money's worth."
"The money will be wired to your account ,as usual , after the task is completed."
I smile and nodded before walking towards the door.
"Ms Crawford?"
Before I got to the door I stop to turn around, "You're a badass at what you do."
I smile. Only this time I do knowingly.
"Tell me something I don't know."
And with that I exit the office. The smile on my face staying in place as I walked down the hall. This is going to be quite a journey. I scream in celebration before pulling myself together and walking off like i didn't just have a moment.
As I made it to my desk— the one I won't be sitting at any more— I become indulged into my fantasy of all the more incredible memories I'm about to make as a CSE.
"Somebody's happy. I'm guessing you got some good news, huh?"
I sit back in my chair, swatting away my thoughts.
"No. I mean, he just was telling me how good a job I was doing. You know Mr Jamison," I smile awkwardly, " Good ole Mr Jamison."
I know it's not okay to lie. Trust me. I know. I also know that if I told Keli I got the promotion she's been working so hard for since before I came to TLC, it's bound to devastate her. I don't want to be considered a bad friend for not telling her , but feeling like a bad friend for getting something she deserves as well seems more heart wrenching.
"Yeah, I wish he would hurry up and give me my promotion. I swear, if  one more person gets one before I do, I'm going to freaking explode."
See what I mean? This is me feeling like a asshole either way the situation goes. You know ? what freak my life!
"Yeah. So, about that...Mr Jamison maybe, sorta, kind of, just promoted me."
And at that moment I could actually see what it looks like when pain is revealed in someone's eyes. Like you could tell something just crashed and burn inside of them. I look down at my hands, not saying anything more that could potentially make me a even worse person than I already am and feel.
She asks her voice trembling.
I nod my head slowly. She looks away trying to process what she's just heard.
"I'm sorry Keli."
I whisper sympathetically.
"For what? Being selfish? Oh wait let me guess, you're sorry for being the backstabber I've always known you to be? Tuh, Yeah, You're a CSE now. Enjoy it!"
She gets up from the chair that she had maneuvered over next to my desk. I watch as she walked toward the restroom direction.
Well that went well.
I sigh deeply before walking after her. They do not pay me enough for this sh*t.
"Keli?" I walked into the bathroom.
"Can you just leave me alone please? You don't have to apologize. You don't have to say anything , okay? I just want you to go away."
I watch as she hovered over the restrooms stretch vanity. I couldn't lie and say those words didn't cut deep because they did.
"— all this over a stupid promotion? And what? Our friendship is over?"
"I don't think you get it," she walks up to me slowly before stopping an inch away, "I said go or do I have to spell it out for you?"
I scoffed at the remark, " you know something? The old me would've done something regretful , but looking at you... you're not worth me losing everything I worked hard for. Me. So, yes, I will go. Because I have to pack to move my things into my new office."
I blow her a kiss before walking out of the restroom.

Tempo (Let's switch it up) A Chris Brown FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now