6. As Your Friend

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I pull into my garage before stepping out with my things. I look at what i assume is Z's Mercedes that was parked by the curb because Essence's Ferrari was in its usual spot , MY usual spot in the driveway. If that is his car well, it's a big come up from the pickup truck he left with. Well, that's one thing that's changed, maybe that's what Ess was referring to. I Wish. Essence doesn't get all secretive over small things such as cars, and I can kind of feel that somethings up. I brace myself for what was waiting inside my house, at this point anything could happen. I walk into the garage door that leads into the Kitchen area of the house."
"I'm home!"
I walk into the kitchen, placing my things on the island before grabbing a water from the fridge.
"Where are you guys?"
I semi-yell out to no one in particular, and then in walks Ess. She leans onto the island while giving me a suspicious look.
"What? You're freaking me out."
She just continues to look at me as i drink my water.
"Earth to Essence." I joked, putting the cap on my water and placing it back into the fridge.
"Lexi? You're so beautiful and smart. You should always remember that."
"Okay, and why are you telling me this? You're being weird, girl. Where's Z?"
I try to walk into the living room but you know Ess , she's Always wanting to play around, so she steps in the way.
"Ess, what are you doing? Move out the way. You were rushing me to get here and I'm here, so where is he?"
She sighs before speaking up, "Lex, you did say that You and Z go way back, right?"
"Yeah? So?"
"And you guys are Best Friends, right?"
"I don't get what all this has to do with anything. Essence, you're being very eerie right now."
"Just answer the question."
I exhale, "Yes. Yes, we're Best Friends."
"I want you to remember that, okay."
she steps aside giving me access to the door.
"Girl, have you been in my wine? Because you're acting really, strange"
I walk into the living room where a man sat on the couch.
"Did someone order a Bestfriend?"
Z stands up and walks towards me swooping me into his arms. I laugh as he allow me to stand on my feet again. The feeling of finally being back with my Best Friend, its a feeling I don't get often. The feeling of being around someone who knows you better than your parents do. The feeling of knowing that if no one else is there for you that they will be. The feeling of being happy. The feelings i get when I'm with Z. When Z was eight his parents perished in a house fire. It tore his life apart to the point he was in and out of foster homes because he made it hard for the foster parents. Every one thought there was something mentally going on with him, but Z did it on purpose. He hated being in a foster home and he did everything he could to make sure he wasn't in one. He eventually got sent to live with his Aunt Ruby and that's how we became neighbors then eventually best friends. He loved his Aunt Ruby to pieces, but almost every night when he couldn't sleep he would sneak into my bedroom window and lay in bed with me. He always slept with his back against mine and whenever i would open my eyes when i felt the bed move a bit, I knew exactly who it was. It was like that up until he got caught one day, when he was Sixteen and me fourteen ,by his aunt and she banned him from seeing me, because she thought we were having sex and didn't want me to quote on quote get pregnant because it would ruin his life. Good ole Aunt Ruby. She hated my guts ever since that happened. When she would see me and my mom in the grocery store, she'll be so avoidant. If we ended up on the same aisle she'll go to another one, or if we were in the same checkout line she made sure to switch to another checkout. In the end Z always found a way to visit me no matter what his Aunt thought. Z and I never thought of each other in the way his Aunt had portrayed, but my feelings for him were--Are something i can't describe. I love him as a friend and don't get me wrong, i have had romantic feelings for him once upon a time, but our friendship was something i couldn't risk losing. I value our friendship more than anything in this entire world and i know he feels the same. I hope he feels the same.
"Still Beautiful as ever, well maybe even more."
He compliments showing his perfect white teeth as he smiles pleasantly.
"You're already starting."
"What? I can't compliment you still?"
"You know how I feel about compliments."
"I see you still haven't grew out of your insecure ways."
"Im not insecure, Z. I just don't know how i can be beautiful when i feel like shit. I thought being beautiful was a inside and out kind of thing. Well, I'm pretty sure my insides are evidently disgusting."
He shakes his head while chuckling, "Some things just don't change, do they?"
"Mm, Nope."
We laugh before walking over to the couch and taking a seat. Eventually, essence walks in with the same look she had when we were in the kitchen. What is wrong with her? Maybe she has been in my wine, but who knows?
"So, Are you in the city for good? Or is this a little trip to see your best friend?"
"Um, I'm here for good. I am currently staying at a hotel suite until i buy a house. That should be in three days, because I've kind of figured out what house exactly that i want."
"And? Come on give me the deets. What house? Where?"
"Its a house in Beverly Hills. I have a picture in my phone." He pulls out his phone and starting tapping on the screen before showing a picture of a humongous house. Its Like three of my house put together into one.
"Isn't that a little too big for one person?"
"That's the thing I---"
"Are you telling our beautiful plans without me?" A voice from behind us asks.
I look back towards the entrance to the dining room and lay eyes on a unidentifiable woman.
"Uh Okay, Who is this?"
I stand up off the couch, confused as to why this strange lady is in my home.
Z stands up as well before answering, "Baby girl, I want you to meet my wife, Jana. Her and I are moving here together, to build a family and to have a fresh new start."
I look at the smiling woman as she walks up to Z and he put his arms around her waist.
Fuck My Life.
"I've heard so many good things about you."
She says holding out her hand for a handshake that i didn't return causing her to put her hand down.
"hmm." I smile sarcastically before sitting back down on the couch prior to them doing the same.
Everything became quiet abruptly. I look at essence who was looking at me sympathetically, before signaling to her to meet me in the kitchen with my eyes.
"Excuse us."
I walk in the kitchen with essence right on my heels.
"Is this what you were hinting at, "She nods, "So, he's married? How come he didn't call me or invite me to the wedding? Isn't that what best friends do? Is he still my Best friend?"
"You guys weren't in contact for quite some time, maybe he thought you didn't want to be there or that you had forgot about him."
"How could i forget about my best friend? He changed numbers and i didn't know how else to get in contact with him, so i stopped trying. I figured he'd be out enjoying his life and...I was clearly right. He's got a whole wife now, how can i compete with that."
"Then don't. Just be his friend like you're suppose to be. You don't have to compete for anything. Look, you guys go further back than him and his wife and i'm sure you know things that he would never share with that woman. that should make you feel pretty darn good."
"Yeah, it should but it doesn't. I feel like now that he's married, he may not have time for a friendship anymore."
"Hey, Look at me. You don't know that. Stop assuming and let what happens, happens. Youre his bestfriend, remember?"
I nod even though i am kind of hurt that he didn't invite me to the wedding or tried to invite me at least.
I'm just not ready to lose my best friend.
Not Yet.

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