3. No Bullshxt

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So the red carpet event was a complete failure. No, it was an epic failure. Essence showed up thirty minutes before the end of the entire thing and smiled before asking "what I miss?" The whole thing apparently. I need a drink, Better yet I need two drinks. When I arrived home last night, my feet were out the heels I had on before I even realized it. Any woman would know the pain of wearing heels for a long Long LONG time. Your feet screams to you, at the top of their lungs, "Get your ass to the house and take these things off honey". Guess what I did? I Got my behind home and took off those heels. Don't ignore your body,cause it knows when it's time to call it quits.
My mom loved heels and since I can remember I've always adored them. Walking around listening to them as they made that noise you hear when it hits concrete or cement, it's the sound I call "owning it". You feel like a different person once you put them on and....
I hold my head up now noticing Mr Jamison standing before me. Since when did he get here?
"Oh, hey Mr Jamison. I was just—"
"Why do you look exhausted? Whatever, there's been a change of plans."
"A-A What?"
"A. Change. Of. Plans," he scrunch up his nose, " What is wrong with you Crawford? Get yourself together, because this...this client is going to pay double the amount you've been receiving and the last thing we need is him pulling out after he sees you like...this."
He walks off leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth. A bad taste that reminded me of how much wine I drunk last night with essence. I push back away from my desk and exit my office. A fresh breeze. That's exactly what I need right about now. What I really need is a nap, but I'll settle for a fresh breeze from the outdoors. Once I made it outside I pull out my phone to check for messages, at which I had Zero! Zilch! Nothing! Well, except the same message that's been there since I could remember. The one from my mom, that states the reason why it has no reply.
While I put my phone back into my pocket and lean against the wall ,I hear a voice around the corner. Must be someone from the office arguing with their girlfriend. I laugh to myself. I am so glad I'm single, I don't have time for the drama that comes with being in a relationship. Guys are just that. Guys. Their selfish, inconsiderate, foolish human beings, who could play with a girls heart and pretend like he did nothing at all. What are the odds? 99.999 percent of the cause of a failed relationship is the guys fault. I'm not ready to get my little heart broken. I don't think I'll ever be ready and that's the reality of the situation.
"I was waiting for the right time to tell you. Baby, you gotta believe me."
I move to the corner of the wall to take a peek at the bum who was "lying" to somebody. Guys are so dumb nowadays and all I do is laugh at them. Watch how I get a good laugh.
I look around the corner and if my eyes are deceiving me I will gauge them out right now. I squint just in case the sun was getting the best of me. I immediately hide back against the wall when I thought he was looking my way. I mean what could you expect? This is TLC and celebrities be in and out of here all the time. I make my way back into the building to talk to Mr Jamison, who claims there's a 'change of plans'. I doubt it. He's always trying to scare me into getting right before I assist a client. A client who today and for the rest of the week is Michael Ealy.
"Hello Mr J."
I say soon as I step foot into the office.
"Have a seat, Crawford."
"I'm not ti—"
"A seat!"
I sprint to the chair in front of his desk. He is always so polite.
"So Mr Davis should be here any second now to discuss your task."
"Mr Who now? I thought I was suppose to be assisting Mich—"
"I know, I know but like I said there's been a change of plans. Keli is taking over that task, since she's been asking for a raise for weeks." He rolls his eyes in frustration, " I gave her that task because I have an extremely big one for you. One so big you wouldn't believe it."
"Who exactly is this Client?"
"It's Mr Ch—"
The door opens and a short stout man walks in with a Manila folder.
"Sorry I'm late. Traffic is horrible today."
Who are you telling? I was thirty minutes late today.
"No need for apology. I'm just glad you were able to make it. Please, take a seat here next to my best specialist here at TLC."
I smile at the complimentary gesture.
The man takes the seat next to me before smiling and shaking my hand.
"Hello, Ms Crawford. I have heard so many great things about you and your hard work here at this lovely business."
This is some bull. I couldn't stop thinking about the things I would say to Michael Ealy. I was so freaking ready to meet him, then this shit happens. Somebody shoot me.
"I do my best, thank you."
I put on my best smile, " so what's the um task?"
"The young man I'm managing is going through a tough patch. He's been tryna no to handle it the best of his ability but it's taking this huge toll on him. He hasn't made a song in over three months. He just got of a bad relationship with this young lady who just happen to find out he has a daughter. I have done all I could for him. I have requested counseling, therapy, a break, and these things just seem to not work for him."
"Where did it all start, If you don't mind me asking." I ask. It seems like the only person that can help this guy is god.
"A couple of years ago he had a assault charge. His anger got the best of him and before he knew it he strikes this young lady. Ever since this horrific accident, it's been eating away at him. He understands it's his fault for what happened, but even so it's a tough pill to swallow when everyone is looking at you like this monster you already seem to see yourself as. You beat yourself up about something then you have the public added on to the negativity and provoking you to the point you think it's pointless to try."
Yeah this guy definitely needs god or a miracle.
"I will pay 500,000 for you to get him back to his original state. He needs a miracle right now," You're damn right about that , "I don't know what else to do about the situation because giving up on the kid isn't an option."
I sigh before replying, "I don't think—"
"She'll do it."
My eyes widen as I look at Mr J as he says this. I can't help this guy and to pretend as if I can will be more disappointing than anything. I would feel as though I don't deserve the promotion I have just gotten. I can't do this. I can't.
"Mr J? Can I speak to you?"
"Sure what's up?"
I acknowledge the presence of Mr Davis.
"Thank you so much Ms Crawford for doing this for me. I will give you two your privacy. Thank you again." He sits the Manila folder on Mr Js desk before exiting the office.
"Can you believe this? $500,000 dollars! This is beyond what I expected even."
Mr J appraises out loud.
"Only thing is, I can't do it."
That ended the smile that was spread across his face.
"What do you mean, you can't do it?"
"I mean this guy doesn't need me. This guy needs a freaking miracle!"
"That's why you're here. Don't you see?"
"No, that's why there's a God, because I can't do this. This guy needs a whole new life Mr J and that's beyond my contract here at TLC."
"Crawford I will not allow you to make a shitty move such as this. This is what a CSE do, they have more duties to fulfill than a CSB. If you can't handle the pressure then I guess I'll have to set you back to a CSB and give the job to Keli."
My mouth hind open in shock.
"But Mr J...."
"Being a CSE comes with a lot of pressure Crawford. You didn't expect it to be anything like a CSB did you? Because that's not how it works. The further you go up the chain the harder things get but that also means more awards. This client is willing to pay 500,000 dollars for one simple task. That leaves you with 250,000 dollars to do whatever you want with it. Who would give that up? Think smart Crawford. I shouldn't have to tell you things you should already know. That's why I chose you as a CSE, so don't make me regret it."
I look down at my hands then back up.
" I can't do it. I'm sorry Mr J."
"I guess Keli would love to know the good news." I get up to leave before Mr Davis walks in with the client I could've had.
No other guy than ,Chris Brown.

Tempo (Let's switch it up) A Chris Brown FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now