7. No Air

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We walk back into the living room and I sit on the couch next to Essence. The tension was stick as butter and it made things a bit awkward. I could feel Z's eyes on me but I can't pull myself to look up and confirm it.
"What's going on? Is everything okay?"
Z asks with a concerned tone in his voice. I just pretend not to care and instead look down at my hands.
"Essence, what's wrong with her? She was just fine before she went into the kitchen. What did you say to her?"
"If i knew don't you think i would tell you, Z?" She says between clenched teeth.
I close my eyes imagining that im some place else. I am just so confused right now, and I don't know what else to do. What kind of best friend leaves their Best friend out of their wedding? Name one. Go ahead. You can't can you? Because it just doesn't happen.
"Baby girl, what's going one?"
"Nothing. Okay, nothing is wrong, and I wish you would stop asking questions."
He exhales deeply while rubbing his hands down his face. Something he does when he's frustrated or angry and right about now i'll say he's one or the other.
"Do you want me to leave?"
"Baby, lets just go."
I hear his wife whisper to him.
I realize then that I'm not angry. Im everything but angry. No. I'm sad. Sad that I wasn't there for him like I should've been and the thing that hurts the most is he fails to realize just how hurtful that is. One thing is for sure, I'm not ready to lose my best friend.
"Yes, Baby girl?"
He gets up and kneels down in front of me so that we are face to face. His expensive cologne fills my nostrils as he does so. How do i know its expensive? Maye because the smell is so intoxicating and intense that my goosebumps have goosebumps.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
I can feel a hot steamy tear making a trail down my face as I ask.
"Why didn't I tell you what? Why are you crying?"
he uses his thumb to wipe the tear away.
"Why didn't you tell me about the wedding?"
This time i look him in his eyes, and make sure he can see that this is what's eating away at me.
"I figured that's what's bothering you and with all honesty I'm sorry. My phone went missing one night while i was out with some friends, and we searched everywhere for it. I lost contacts, our old photos, and I even lost the picture where you did that funny thing with your eyes with your tongue hanging out."
"The festival."
I remembered almost suddenly.
"yea, the local town festival," He smiles showing his perfect white teeth, "at first i didn't want to go because I knew you'd force me to do the bob for apples thing. You always seem to get a kick out of seeing me doing that for some unknown reason."
I laugh unexpectedly because i can still see it as clear as day. The way his face was all watered down with that big red apple in his mouth. Ha, hilarious!
He looks at me as if it was the most precious thing he has ever seen.
"I'm so sorry baby girl. You have to believe me."
His wife clears her throat before speaking. "We're going to be late for the house tour, sweetheart."
And just like that, my smile fades away.
"Well, It seems as though we've ran out of time, sadly. I hate we didn't get to do much catching up, and that's really why i came."
"How about tomorrow? Brunch."
"Tomorrow? Do we have anything planned?" He turns to his wife.
She shakes her head.
"Well, I guess Ill be here."
"Not here. At The pepper place."
I confirm vigorously.
"Pepper place. Gotcha."
He gets up and awkwardly walk towards his wife.
"Well, ladies its been a pleasure, and i'll see you tomorrow." He walks up to me and plants a small kiss on my forehead.
"next time you do that, I will chop those things off. I told you the last time we saw each other that I don't like to be kissed."
"Well, I guess i forgot."
He walks hand in hand with his wife towards the door then through it.
"Well, that was awkward."
essence finally speaks up.
"Tell me about it. I feel like i have to walk on eggshells around him now that he has a wife because the boundary line that wasn't there before, is now there."
"At least you know better than i do."
"Doesn't everyone?"
I joked before getting up from the couch while laughing at my own smart remark.

I pull into the gigantic driveway of Chris' house. He called a few hours ago to alert me that he couldn't meet at the restaurant because his daughter's babysitter had a family emergency, so apparently he's on "daddy duty" today. How can people stay in such big houses like this?
I step out of my Range along with my normal stuff i take with me to these meetings and made my way towards the door. I look around as i wait for him to open it, and when it did get answered it wasn't him.
"Oh, good afternoon. I'm looking for Christopher Brown. Is this his residence?"
"You look for Chris? Come. He look for you."
the Chinese woman, who i assume by the black and white attire was a maid, says as she leads me to where chris is. I don't think I've been so disgusted in my life.This is my problem with celebrities, they hire people to do their dirty work while they sit around on their asses with not a care in the world. I feel as if its utterly disrespectful and should be prohibited throughout this shitty world.
We eventually end up in what seems like a playroom for kids and when i say a playroom, I mean a playroom.It had trampolines, Rock climbing, A small girly castle big enough to walk into. It had everything a kid could ever want in a playroom. Everything!!
"Chris! Woman you look for here."
The woman screams through the room. I look around for him and eventually spot him helping a little girl up on the slides. He looks over and waves to me, but i give a smile in return because I'm not doing this to make a friend. I have to keep the serious demeanor going on before he thinks he's got himself one because I think not. He lets the little girl slide down before picking her up into his arms and walking towards us.
"Thanks, Ming Yue."
She nods before taking her leave.
"So, is this your daughter?"
I look at the little one as she lays her head on his shoulder in a shy manner.
"Yeah, She's a little shy when it comes down to meeting new people."
"What's her name?"
"Royalty. Th-That's really...different."
I smile pleasantly.
"Yeah, It fits her perfectly. She's just that and more, but i think everyone sees their child as royalty, huh?"
I shrug before replying, "Sure whatever you say, but hey we have to do this meeting before --," I look at my watch , "-- Before twelve."
"oh, What? you got a date?"
I roll my eyes. "No, and if i did you'll be the last person i tell about it. I'm your specialist Mr Brown, not your friend. Remember that."
I walk out of the playroom leaving him dumbfounded. Business with a friend is something i don't take lightly so i reframe from becoming a friend of someone i am providing my services to. Nothing would ever get done with that being the case.
Eventually, He catches up to me and takes the lead to where ever the hell i thought i was going. We wind up in the living room ,that was bigger than my whole house if i may add.
"My bad about the mess. Royalty stays throwing her toys everywhere and ming yue can't get to every part of the house at one time."
"Is she your--"
"Maid? No. Ming yue is like family. She's been around since I moved here and since Royalty first came to be with me. We don't use the term maid around here because technically she's just family."
Maybe the prick isn't such a prick after all but i won't put it past him still.
I sit on the plush couch.
"Shall we begin?"
I say smiling.

Tempo (Let's switch it up) A Chris Brown FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now