8. Privacy

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I watch as people proceed in and out of "the pepper place".
Where the hell is he? He has to be here, right?
I pretend to look at the menu set out in front of me, but in reality im just trying to distract myself from the late-o-phobia i seem to have.
"Good Afternoon. I'm Brit and i'll be assisting you today. Can I start you off with something to drink, please?" The blonde waitress introduces.
I look around one last time just in case he was now walking in or something, before reverting my attention back to the waitress.
"Uh, yeah, sure. I'll have a sweet tea, please."
"Would you like that with a lemon?"
I look around again before answering, "Sure."
"Are you okay ma'am?"
I look at the woman unaware of how overly suspicious I seem to appear.
"Uh, yeah I'm fine. I'm just waiting for someone."
I smile charmingly before picking up the menu to change the subject.
"So, what would you recommend on here? The French baked toast with cream and eggs sounds good, huh?"
She nods gingerly, "It's actually one of our signature dishes, and a great thing to have for brunch."
"Well, in that case I'll have that with a tall glass of orange juice and extra eggs, please."
She writes on her notepad before thanking me and walking away. I don't have a clue where Z is, but i just hope he would hurry up.
I pull out my phone expecting a missed call from Z saying he's going to be a bit late, which would help my late-o-phobia just a bit, but there wasn't one. So much for helping my late-o-phobia. I dial his number just in case he forgot we were suppose to have brunch today. No big deal.
"Hey you've reach Z. I'm sorry i couldn't answer your call, but i will get back to you as soon as i can.Basically, You know what to do."
I listen as the voicemail ends, and at this point i don't know what else to do.
"Hey Z its Lexi. I was calling because im at The Pepper Place we were suppose to have brunch today and im just calling to remind you about it. Okay, so, Call me back at your earliest convenience. Bye."
I hang up the phone prior to me sighing in frustration.
maybe he's on his way. Traffic is pretty bad today.
"Here's your sweet tea with three lemons. My treat. I figured what the heck she looks like she's having a bad day, why not cheer her up with two extra lemons for her tea. I mean, who doesn't enjoy lemons?"
The waitress babbles on.
"Well, Uh thanks?"
"Welcome, and just a few words of advice, If whoever you are waiting for has you waiting like this they damn sure don't deserve your precious time. A woman's time is a valuable asset, and It shouldn't be wasted on people who can't make it worthwhile. So, i want you to enjoy your brunch today regardless to who shows up or not, okay? just for the record Its on the house."
"Oh, no. I can't let you do that. I can pay for my food, i assure you."
"I never doubted that for a second, honey. With shoes like that, I'm sure you can pay for everybody's."
She laughs jokily before wandering off.
I grab my phone to try to get in touch with Z again.
"He's not coming, you know that right?"
The voice came from the booth behind me. I turn around to see whose it was exactly, and what a major coincidence.
"What are you doing here, chris?"
he smirks in that way only he knows how.
"Well, when you told me you was coming here with some 'Guy', I just couldn't help myself. You're not exactly guy friendly, Ms Crawford."
"I like how you think you know me, when you don't know a damn thing."
"I know that this guy you're suppose to be having brunch with is not coming, and by the way you keep looking around expecting him to just appear I know this is going to hurt you."
I laugh manically/sarcastically before speaking, "I guess you have me all figure out, huh? Well, For your information Mr brown you don't know a damn thing. If he shows up great and if he doesn't even better, but one thing's for sure, You have a lot of nerve coming here to spy on me Chris. this is beyond our contract and you know it."
"Who actually goes by what a contract says anymore? I mean it's just a piece of paper--"
"With your signature on it, agreeing to follow all the rules applied ."
"What if i like breaking the rules?"
I look at him as he raise his brows.
"Do not go there with me Chris! I really don't even see why I'm entertaining this."
"I'm just saying--"
"If you decide you don't want to follow the rules then i won't have any other choice but to stop being your specialist altogether and i'm sure your manager wouldn't like that now would he?"
I turn my head so that he can see the malicious smirk that was spread across my face. The smile he had quickly vanished.
aha, I'm on to you now.
"I don't see why you're waiting for this dude."
"And I don't see why its any of your business."
I get up grabbing my drink and other items and move to a different table.
Although there's faith still in me that he would show up, I just don't know how long i could wait for Z. I thought he was being genuine when he said he wanted to catch up, but maybe he wasn't as serious as i was. Best friends or not, some things just aren't okay to do, for instance like leaving your best friend alone in a restaurant both of you are suppose to be at or even things like not inviting the other to your wedding. yeah im coming for you Z!! We were much closer than this when we were teenagers. Z leaving me out of anything? yeah, i use to pray he wouldn't invite me to go with him to the next concert or movie, and now I can't even get him to meet me in a restaurant. Maybe Chris is right.Maybe he's not coming and at first i thought i wouldn't be affected but now I know that was all in my head.
I can't believe I just said that.
"So i got a question."
I didn't realize until now that chris was sitting across from me.
"Get away from my table."
"Just one question first."
"what is it, chris?"
"Why don't you like me?Is it because I have a lot of money? Is it because of all the tattoos. I don't know fill me in, because I'm lost."
That is a good question, Why do i not like him?
"I Don't because...I don't like you because you...."
"No reason, huh?"
"Just because you don't know the reason, doesn't mean there isn't one."
"Then what is it?"
"you're you. That's my reason, and its a pretty good one. I mean you're stalking me and you have the audacity to ask why I dislike you? Really?"
"Stalking you!? ain't nobody stalking you because From what i was seeing earlier I'm kind of saving you.?"
"Saving me? yeah right."
"yes, saving you ,because if i wasn't here your ass would be looking crazy sitting here by yourself waiting for a man who doesn't even care to answer yo damn call. but have it your way, enjoy your brunch."
He gets up and walks towards the exit of the restaurant.
Why do I feel bad right now? Its his fault! If he would've followed the rules on the contract agreement, none of this will be happening, but i guess he thinks he's too good to follow simple rules. I think not.
"Hey, Can i get my food to go, please?"
I say to the waitress passing by.

Tempo (Let's switch it up) A Chris Brown FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now