5. Yeah 3x

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I sit back at the same table i did before, along with Christopher. I am not in the mood anymore, obviously, to be here. The one thing i hate more than sushi, would be for someone to not only be late but extremely late! Its such a rude thing to do, you know, to keep someone waiting when you need them more than they need you.
"So, what are we doing?"
He asks as he takes the seat across from me.
"What we are doing is, learning about you," I sit the folder down on the table prior to opening it, "So tell me Mr Brown, Why did your manager figure you needed my assistance?" I pretend to not know what exactly my task was, just to see what type of person i am dealing with. A Liar or a delusional person.
"Well, obviously you already know or we wouldn't be sitting here. Now would we?" He smirks in a way that i couldn't decide if it makes me want to puke or one that might just be a little adorable, "So are you ordering because I've been in the studio all morning and aint eat anything."
"I'm not hungry and if i were, you'd be the last person I'll let buy me breakfast."
"okay, am i missing something? You're upset for what?"
"I'm not upset, I'm perfectly fine, Mr Brown. Why on earth would I be upset? Its not like you were late."
I smile sarcastically before pulling a form from the folder before me.
"Well ,in that case, I would hate to see you if I was late."
He throws back.
He's good.
"So, I see you come from a troubled past." I started.
"Yeah, don't everyone?"
"No, not exactly."
His carelessness was conspicuous. I narrow my eyes at him, as he looked down at the menu he had in his hands.
"Listen, I don't see how this is going to---"
"The breakfast platter sounds good, don't you think?"
"Christopher, Look I know you may not want to talk about your past, and ---"
"I don't. Bringing up the past only opens old wounds. The shit I been through ... those things i would like to bury altogether, and I'm sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but some things i rather just forget."
"And i suppose that's how you handle the things you go through. By putting them off and holding everything in."
"I'm doing a good job, by the way."
He hold up his hand as a signal to the waitress who was in a group of girls gawking at Chris' presence. So much for keeping a low profile.
"H-hey Chris. I am a Huge, huge, fan. I have your posters all over my wall at home and nearly all your albums. I can't believe you're sitting right here in front of me."
the waitress stuttered smiling and staring at Chris with admiration before coming to her senses and pulling out her notepad from the front of her apron.
"I'm glad you love my music, baby girl. Can I get the breakfast platter, please?"
"Will that be all for you, Chris?"
He chuckles at her nervousness, "Yes, that will be all--" He looks at her name tag, "-- Katie."
Her smile widened then she looked at her name tag. "Oh, yeah, my name tag. I knew that."
She embarrassingly walks off to fulfill his order.
"Good with the fans i see."
"They're the reason I'm still here. Like, without their encouragement, i don't think I would still be performing."
"I see. So,What is it about performing that you seem to enjoy most."
he run his fingers up and down his chin hair, in thinking mode.
"The energy i get off the crowd and knowing they love me when I'm up on that stage. Its incredible. Its a feeling like i never felt until my daughter came into my life. Now Its like she's changing me, slowly but surely, into this vulnerable soft-hearted person i didn't think i could be. When i'm with her, everything else don't matter to me and i block out all negativity. She does that to me, but a lot has gone on and its something i know her presence can't fully help me with."
the waitress walks up and sits his breakfast plate in front of him with a note attached to his drink.
She exclaims before walking away with a hard switching thingy going on.
"Someone likes you."
i acknowledge rolling my eyes.
"You don't like me, do you?"
"Does it surprise you?"
He chuckles under his breath before using his fork to place a piece of pancake into his mouth.
"Nope. After all the shit I've been accused of i wouldn't blame you. I mean you're not the only one, so its normal."
"Yeah, this has nothing to do with your past tribulations, honestly, I don't care about your past tribulations and FYI you shouldn't either," He looks up at me with a look i couldn't describe, "So, obviously we're getting nowhere, so I'll see you tomorrow. Same place, Same time. Want to get on my good side, don't be late!"
I get up from the table, grabbing my stuff off of it.
I think Chris' problem is that, he feels as thought he has to always push everything to the back of his mind and i find that kind of heartbreaking. Here you have this guy who is trying to recover his image from this bad guy everyone makes him out to be and nobody gives a damn. When i was 13 my Dad passed away and it changed me to this person i didn't want to be. I was angry at the world, at myself, at everybody. It was like ,While everyone else found a way to cope with the misfortune that was bestowed, nobody gave a damn that i was hurting. So, you know what i did? The same exact thing Chris is doing. I pushed everything to the back of mind, even though it was eating away at me, bit by bit. Sometimes life just works like that and some of us can't afford to speak up about it, for the fear we'll only make things worse and that's the last thing I need on my plate right now.
I get into my Range Rover and before driving off check my messages. Nothing.
Except five missed calls from Essence. I roll my eyes before calling her back.
"Where the hell are you?"
Shit! Yell much?
"I just got out of a meeting with my client. What's wrong?"
"Z is here and he's already asking where you are."
"Okay, So where are you?"
"I'm on my way Essence. I just told you i was leaving my meeting with my new client."
"Well hurry the hell up! If i hear one more damn story about you guys' past, I'm going to fuh-reak out."
"Will you calm down? We haven't seen one another in a while he's just excited and I'm a bit nervous."
She scoffs, "Just wait until you get here."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, you'll see what i mean when you do."
she hangs up, leaving me feeling something that wasn't nervousness. What did she mean by that? Is something wrong with Z? Its official, I am freaking the hell out right now.
I put my vehicle into reverse and drive off.

Tempo (Let's switch it up) A Chris Brown FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now