4. I Wanna Be

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"Leaving so soon Ms Crawford. I wanted you to meet the young man I'm managing. This is Chris. I was telling him that the only way I can continue to manage him is if he gets his stuff together. He knows you're the best of the best."
I look at Chris who was typing on his phone. I have worked my ass off to make it to this point and all the blood sweat and tears I shed should be worth something.I shouldn't be saying this but, "You won't regret coming here. I'll see him tomorrow morning at 'Breakfast Café' 10:00 sharp. Being late is prohibited by a thousand percent.its not allowed and if it happens there will be consequences. I'm not here to make friend but to complete my task and I mean that with the friendliest intentions. Good day gentlemen."
I walk past Mr Davis and the phone intrigued Chris. He hadn't looked up once since I spoke, so I guess I know what type of guy I'm dealing with.
I walk to my office with the thought of me almost losing my promotion and a huge sum of cash over a doubt. How could I ever doubt my work and ability to make things happen? no matter the heightening of the situation, I shouldn't ever doubt myself and to think that I did, It's heartbreaking. I feel emotionally drained, actually.
"What was that?!"
Mr J barges into my office and semi-yells at me.
"What was what? I'm doing what you wanted me to do, am I not?"
"Listen, Crawford about what I said earlier...I dont want you to go through with this if it's beyond your comfort zone. Here at TLC we're not just co workers and employee and boss, we're sort of like family. Family looks out for one another."
I smile before replying, "Is that suppose to be an apology? Because it blows."
"I apologize. There!"
"Aww Mr J. You've never —"
"And after this, I never will."
I laugh before looking around.
"Good luck, Crawford."
"Thanks Mr J."
He walks out closing my office door in the process. I move the mouse to my iMac.
"Mr Brown,"
I say to myself as I click on his file. Quite a bit of information pops up on the screen. "Well, this will be interesting."

I answer my ringing phone as I'm making my way across town to 'breakfast cafe'. I have done quite a bit of research on Christopher and at first I thought I had a lot of work to do but Jee-Wiz. This guy has so much that has occurred since his stardom, it's like he's went through some emotional change. I don't know what the hell im going to do if things go to shit.
"Hey girl, it's essence."
"Oh, hey Ess. What's up?"
"Whats up? What's up is you coming with me to meet up with your quote on quote Bestfriend, Z."
Shit! I completely forgot about Z. He just got into town yesterday night and me and Ess were suppose to meet up with him. Freak my life!
"God, I totally forget Ess. I have been up all night putting together a huge TLC file for a client and I'm on my way to meet up with him to discuss scheduling. Can you tell Z to come to place this evening to make up for my absence, please."
She scoffs, "How do I tell him that the one person he so desperately wants to be there isn't coming? You and him have this thing where you guys are so close. I can't just tell him something like that."
"Neither can I . I'm right around the corner from the place I'm meeting my client," I sigh loudly , "Ess, please just do me this one favor. You know I got you."
"Yeah, I will make sure you know that as well. Don't expect me to make up excuses for your ass anymore. Because this is your doing , not mine."
"Thanks Ess. Love you , gotta go."
I make a kiss noise before hanging up, just as I park in front of the cafe. Grabbing my keys, purse and file folder, I step out of my ranger rover. The one that's taking everything to keep up the payments every single month. I walk towards the entrance, looking down at my adidas before opening the cafe door and walking in.
"Hey is a Christopher Brown here? I'm sure you know him. Tall, singer, light brown skin."
I describe to the waitress behind the bar.
"Chris Brown?" She laughs, "here? A celebrity hasn't been in here since the prince ages. I think you have the wrong cafe."
So he's late obviously.
"Thanks anyway."
I walk to the farthest table in the far back corner and take a seat. I don't know where this guy is but it's past 10:00 and I thought I made myself clear when I said not to be late. Guess some people don't know how to follow simple rules. Another sign of how depressing this task will be. I open the file folder to make sure everything was in place.
Thirty minutes later and the guy still hasn't made an appearance. I stand up from the table and gathered my things to leave.
This is bullshit. I knew better to agree with helping this —
"Hey, you Lexi?"
"Depends on who's—"
I turn around to a late Christopher Brown. Nice of you to pop up. I hold my belongings in my arms as I stood speechless. It wasn't because I didn't know what to say, it was because I didn't have anything I wanted to say.
"I'm Chris."
"And I'm leaving. Excuse me."
I walk around him.
"Hold on, Wait."
He grabs my arm to stop me.
"What is it Mr Brown?"
"Why are you leaving? I just got here."
"And that's the problem."
I shoot back before walking towards the exit. I hit the unlock button on my car key pad.
"Hey! Chill out. I know you gotta be joking."
He follows me halfway to my vehicle.
"Yeah, well the jokes on you."
"What did I do?"
This guy!
I stop to turn around.
"What did you do!? You're nearly an hour late. I don't get paid to sit around in a cafe and wait on anyone and being "famous" doesn't give you a free pass. I can't do my job if you're late and I'm sorry if you thought I could."
"Man, listen. They told me to meet you here and I'm here. Can we just do what we came here to do so I can get my manager off my damn back about this?"
I look down then back up at him.
"This is the first and last time you'll ever be late. Understand?"
He laughs.
"I hear you."
"Good because I won't repeat myself. Let's go."
I walk past him back towards the cafe.

Tempo (Let's switch it up) A Chris Brown FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now