Oh Yeah

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On Friday of last week I stole Pretzels book. The first time I tried to steel it he was holding it and I didn't get it. The second time he had it just sitting on his desk, and I got it. I started reading it until we had to start on the test that we had to do and then I gave it back to him. After the test I took it again and read it while he worked on stuff. He didn't even care that I stole his book. Oh and I made it in the talent show with my friend. I also got into NJHS, I don't know if I already told you that but yeah I made it. And this weekend I have a Band-O-Rama. Last year during this I ran around with one of my friends and every time we went into the gym I saw my crush, who was sitting with his mom. My friend and I ran around the gym and I feel like he was watching us when we did that, because the gym was pretty empty and we might have been running up and down the bleachers and then we would walk out of the gym and the only doors we went in and out of were the ones by where he was sitting, and every single time we walked in there I looked at him and most times he'd already be looking at us. And then when all band kids had to go to the band room my friend and I went and got him and we all walked to the band room together. And when I was messing around and stuff like going to see my dad or whatever I would give one of my friends my flute. And most of the time I gave it to Fall. But at one point when I was just messing with my brother and I gave it to her she ran outside with it. And FYI all my friends and I where in one big group (that included my crush). So I chased after her and got my flute back, then my brother, let's call him Bro, came up and told me that our dad was there. So I had to give my flute to someone but I couldn't give it to Fall because she would run off with it, so I looked at my crush (he was my friend people just so you know) and asked him if he could hold it while I went to see my dad and he said "sure" and I told him to make sure Fall didn't get it or he would be and trouble, he said "I won't let her get it", I said thank you  then I ran off with Bro. When we came back my flute was safe and  thanked him again and he said "no problem". So yeah FYI this blog also might turn out to be a diary sort of thing because it's easier saying that I have homework and getting on here rather than finding privacy to write in my actual diary. So yeah. Bye Y'all.

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