Hi. Okay so right now I am at a theatre thing after school and we went outside to practice lines and we went over by the boys locker room and Rudolph (my ex), and two of his friends from the football team, yeah he is on the team too, and they were coming in to get water for practice and they took their cleats, gloves, and helmets off and I had just got done getting onto some seventh graders for yelling and running around and then the boys walk in and, they walked in early enough to know that I just got on the seventh graders and they would have heard me get onto them about doing that, and then as Rudolph got closer to the locker room he like screamed and jumped into the air, and I turned to my friends and said " Thank you _____ for doing that right after I told them not to". And then since they were in their socks they were going in and out of where the concession stand is, for the basketball games, and sliding around in their socks, and then Rudolph kept jumping up and hitting the top of the doorway and messing around in the little hallway outside of the locker room (and we were reading lines and he was doing that and I felt so weird doing my lines because I knew that he could hear us, and sometimes when we were talking I knew he could hear us, they honestly could probably hear us in the room) , and then at one point when he was just outside of the doorway his friends shut the door and locked him out and when he noticed it was so funny, he kept hitting the door and saying "guys come on, let me in" and "this is not funny, come on just let me in" and kept doing that then he would walk away from the door and he kept looking over near where my friends and I were and then he would turn back around and proceed to hit the door again and at one point he leaned against the door and kept saying "come on guys this is not funny let me in, seriously just let me in" and then he turned around and caught my eye and noticed that I was laughing at the whole ordeal, and then the janitor came by and I guess he asked if Rudolph needed to get in the room and Rudolph must have said yes, because the janitor took out hi keys and unlocked the door, and then Rudolph got in there and I heard him say "guys that was seriously not funny". And then when they were getting ready to leave and one of Rudolph's friends kept coming in and out of the room and one of my friends and I were talking about when my other friend (who is sisters with this friend) was talking to their parents one time (and apparently she doesn't use names and just calls her friends nicknames when she is talking to her parents) and told them about the elephant thing (inside joke) and she called me "her racist friend" (also an inside joke) and I kept asking my friend over and over "she seriously called me "her racist friend to your parents?!" and she said yes and this was a cycle and Rudolph's friend looked at us like we are weird and then the cycle went on until when all of the boys came out of the room and I asked that and they all gave me weird looks. And then one of the guys (when the other two were already outside the first doorway) dropped some of the water bottles and it caused me to start laughing and then I saw Rudolph and his friend laughing too. Man that was funny. Okay I have to go, if I remember anything else I will tell y'all. Bye Y'all.
My Life
HumorSo my friend started a blog and it gave me the idea to do it, sooooooo yeah, I'm stupid,crazy, sometimes an idiot, and a lot of other stuff. That's like all I have so yeah. BE WARNED IT MAY BE TOO WEIRD FOR Y'ALL, I'm sorry I'm a dork, just an FYI...