Hey I remembered something

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Yo, I remembered something. So at half time we were allowed to walk around until the beginning of fourth quarter and Africa and I were going out to my mom's car and when we passed the locker room the guys were coming out just then so we had to walk fast and she said something about Pretzel along the lines of "you know if they are coming out that means that he is coming out " (or something like that, oh I think she said something about how she should go tell him something, and I literally said "no do not do it, it will not happen" and physically shut her mouth and some of the guys gave us weird looks, and then of course you know I turned back around to look for him because I thought that I saw him and she caught me and said "see you are looking for him' me "no I wasn't shut up" and then that went on for a little bit because I was looking for him and we both knew it, and yeah. And then we were fascinated about that crank windows ( not an expensive car with a ll of the bells and whistles) that was a little weird but whatever. Yeah that's it, I think I will tell y'all anything else if I remember. Bye Y'all.

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