I went to a play

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Hi. I went to the play "Of Mice and Men" today with the theatre group. And it was fun, on the way there Liliana and one of our friends were singing "Dancing Queen" and another one of our friends was singing "All Star" and we also watched the original "Jurassic Park" on the way there. And then we got there we watched it and stuff and then when we were walking out we walked through a revolving door, and you know I had a drawstring bag on, and of course, I had to get my bag stuck in the door, and we had to turn the door backward to get me unstuck. And then when we went to go eat we went to Taco Bell and we ran into the building. And then one of my friends got pooped on by a bird, lol. And then we got back on the buses and then we went back to the school, and since my last hour is band so I just in the room and if I do say so myself I think I looked pretty good. I was wearing my black band pants and a black sweater and my black heels (boots?) and I had my aviators on and my Skittles freeze from Taco Bell. I walked in and Pretzel turned around, and so did a lot of other people. And then I sat there for a minute before I went to get my flute. And then we played. And then I stayed after and Pretzel left this time, and I was in between the theatre and band rooms. And then I went to the shop (where they make props for plays) and they were working on my throne and we had a major problem, they weren't listening and I was getting annoyed because I was already upset about Pretzel leaving. And then one of my friends that knows about me liking him, and I talked all of the way to the high school about him, and her boyfriend. That's all if I remember anything else I will tell y'all. Bye Y'all.

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