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Hi, I would so do that to my husband

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Hi, I would so do that to my husband. So a lot actually happened today in band, so we were listening to the drumline and then Pretzel decided he would stand on a stand (we were standing up because we were doing pep band stuff) like he stood on the base of the stand and I saw it and gave him a weird look he just smiled back and then proceeded to slide off the stand. And then at one point when Mr. Noodle  was working with drumline something happened (fyi this is a little tmi), my clasp on my bra came undone, and it's a sports bra it should not have a clasp, and then Mury had to fix it because I couldn't get it and apparently it made one of my friends in drumline mess up because she saw what happened. And then one time Pretzel said to drumline "you guys are really good" and I said " yeah unlike you" to him and he just gave me a look, it was so funny. And then he got in trouble for talking through his instrument, and I almost ran into him multiple times and then when we were going to put stuff in the locker room I past by him and he got done in the locker room before I did and then when I was walking past him to get to my chair he tried to trip me, I gave him a look and was on my way back to my chair, and another time when I had to go back in the locker room and very narrowly avoided running into him I said "you're weird" and I got a " ugh" in response . And then he stayed after for band and then at one point Africa came into the room and he was right in front of her because he went to get a drink, and I yelled her name and she yelled my name back and Pretzel looked at us both like we were weird. And then we walked around the big room for a little bit and then I decided that I would work on my homework  then, so Africa and I sat our stuff down in a corner and got to work on homework, and then by that time Pretzel had gone into a practice room with his friend and then after a minute or so of getting settled he walked out of the practice room and saw us sitting in the corner (Africa had to charge her MacBook and there was an outlet there) and he asked us why we were doing homework and not practicing and I said because we can and he just gave us a weird look and kept walking. And then we continued to work. And according to my friend when she was talking to him earlier in the day she said something about how we were talking the day before and supposedly according to her his eyes widened when she said my name, girl I don't believe that. And then we also got our pictures today and our student IDs and after Africa walked in and by this time Pretzel walked up to Mr. Noodle to ask him something I suppose (this was right after Africa walked in) and I had asked her if she wanted to see my ID and she said yeah and then she saw it grabbed it and started to walk over to where Mr Noodle and Pretzel were  and then I saw what she was doing and long story short she ended up on the ground, my ID was bent, I may or may not have threatened  her, Pretzel didn't see it, and I got my card back. And thenAbout halfway through the practice I had just shut the locker room door and was standing in front of it because obviously I just shut it and no one was headed out the so I didn't think about getting hit by the door and then I did Africa, Pretzel, and Mr Noodle saw it happen, and I was standing there shocked, the kid apologized Mr. Noodle told me to move, and Pretzel said "yeah ___ move". And then later on I may or may not have flipped him off on accident when I walked by their practice room door, and then later on after that the two boys were out of the practice room and I gave Africa a piggy back ride and Pretzel looked at us like we were weird again and then also at one point when we were cleaning up my friends and I walked past their open practice room door and he was on the phone and then I may or may not have almost chocked out my friend because she was going to tell the other kid in there that my other friend liked him and Pretzel saw the whole thing, and he also saw me messing with my friend's brother and when I messed with one of my friends hair and when I was talking to my other friend, and he was watching me the whole time, and then at the end when we were all packed up my friends and I were singing, and right before we went to get on the bus Pretzel and his friend walked out int their practice pads and stuff and we were singing then too and I shut up real fast when they walked by and I also noticed that Pretzel's number is...........wait for it.........69. And then we all saw that and were laughing and then when they got farther away my friend yelled at him and said something about that and he  and his friend laughed and I was dying laughing and then when they got closer to the field she yelled out "I'm so sorry about your number" and you could see that he was laughing because he knew why we were laughing, So I have to go but I will tell you anything that I forgot when I remember. Bye Y'all. 

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