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Hi, that picture at the top is good advice. Not a lot happened today. In band I almost ran into Pretzel like five times. And today everybody except for percussion could work on any homework or work or whatever and Pretzel actually did work I was expecting him to read. And when he was working and wasn't using his pencil he would just like put it in his mouth, but not like in a gross way but in a cute way, and I kind of find it funny that we both do something (other than put it away) with our pencils when we aren't using them at the time, I put mine in my hair (last year he always took it out of my hair to mess with me) and he puts his in his mouth. And today we had to tell Mr Noodle our birthdays for something for the office and now I know for sure when Pretzel's birthday is, I already knew it because Africa told me but now I know for sure. And this is completely weird but when I was at theatre practice today after school and we were out in the hallway and the guys were coming out of the locker room, which is like up one hall and around a corner from the theatre room, they were talking obviously, andI feel like it is kind of bad that I could hear them and I could tell exactly when he was talking, I mean they came out in little groups because some of them take longer than others to get changed and when him and his friend came out I knew that it was him, and I couldn't even see him! And apparently Africa and one of my other friends was talking to Pretzel today, and I guess he said something mean to one of them and my one friend (I don't know what to call you, you know who you are) said (if I get this wrong tell me) "quit being mean or I will tell *my name*" and then it must have sounded weird because then Africa saved her and said "because *my name* is the like the mom of the group" and they told me that later and I was like "I am not the mom of the group" then proceeded to get onto two boys fighting over velcro, but you also have to think about not three hours before I was fighting this dude for a desk, like not fist-fighting but we were both pulling on the desk and I was winning,  and then the teacher was about to walk into the room and I let go f the desk and the kid almost fell. I will tell y'all if I remember anything else. Bye Y'all.

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