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Hi. Okay so today during lunch I was sitting at my table and Pretzel was at his table and he sits next to his friend, let's call him Tequila (if you know his friend then if you think about it you will make the connection), and my friend who is also his friend, let's call her Liliana (lol you won't get this unless if you know her), and Tequila said my name, like he wasn't yelling but he said it loud enough that I could hear him (FYI Rudolph was sitting right behind me) so I turned and looked at him and says "Pretzel likes you" and like part of me is like psh yeah right and the other half is freaking out, even though I knew it wasn't true. And Pretzel was behind him shaking his head and making a cutting motion across his throat, so I look at Liliana and she shakes her head. And I was like whatever. Then when we were walking back to class Tequila was walking right next to me on my right and Africa was on my left and Pretzel was on Tequila's left and Africa asked me what Tequila said to me during lunch and I said that she didn't want to know and then she asked Tequila and he said that he told me that Pretzel was madly in love with me. And both Pretzel and I were both about to punch Tequila and Pretzel denied it and we both denied it until we got to the class and I asked why he would even like me, knowing nobody would answer if they heard me because we were walking into the classroom. And Africa and both spent the whole lunch and most of class fighting over who gets Grant Gustin  and whether or not Thor looked better without long hair or if he looked better with it, to answer those questions he is is mine even if Africa called dibs, finders keepers, and Pretzel was also fighting over him and we told him he was already taken and when he by who we said Tequila. And he looks better with short hair. We also fought over Grant during Social Studies too. And that started in the last 15 minutes of lunch and we got in a really heated conversation about it and my friends told me to chill, and I was like no because we debating the whole Grant thing and Milo Mannheim too. And now Pretzel asked me what I was doing for the talent show and he asked if I was playing my flute and I said no and then he asked if I was singing and I nodded and the song that I am singing with my friend was on and I said I am actually singing this song and he said something about a lot of band kids sing, and I said a lot of the band kids can actually sing they are just in band and he asked why and I said maybe because their mom told them to be in band and they didn't really have a choice ( that is my situation) and he asked if I wanted to be in band in the beginning and I said at the time I didn't care and then he asked why I didn't just drop out now of not do it next year and I said that I have to do it through next year too. He also asked why she wanted me to be in band and I told him that she never really explained. And the whole conversation  was actually a conversation and we didn't tease each other or anything and my voice was kind of quiet the whole time and so was he and it was a really nice conversation. And I also found out another one of my friends likes him too so I told Africa and my other friend was okay with that, but she doesn't know that Africa and I both like him too. Just another thing on our plates, I also threatened to hit Pretzel with a notebook again. And a while ago Africa "planned" my wedding, if she wants to when we are older I will let her, as long as I can plan hers, so Pretzel at one point asked if he could be "the flower person" at her wedding and I said yes and then he was messing with Liliana (my co-planner) and I told her to tell him that he couldn't be it if he kept messing with her and she did so then he looked at me with that sad look on his face and asked if he could be the flower person and I said as long as you behave. And that went on throughout the rest of the day because Africa didn't want him to be in her wedding and he asked me and I said yes. And I told her that if she could plan my wedding with stuff in it that I don't want, so can I. I will finish the story tomorrow, but just so you know Africa brought up some pictures on Google of actors she thought was cute and I didn't think they were and then she said (b/c I wanted to show her a picture of a cute actor) she said only if you agree that this next one is cute and then she showed me a picture of Flash and Totally freaked and then we brought up his new beard and how we hate it, and then I brought up the picture of Milo and, then we argued about if Grant was mine or hers and my friends found out when you hit the right subject I am kind of girly, and I told my friends that I used to watch Dora and Strawberry Shortcake, one of them started singing Strawberry Shortcake, and I used to wear skorts , one of them looked at me in disgust when I said that. And we (Africa and I) got super into our conversation of how cute Grant was before The Beard and I knew that if Fall could hear our conversation so could Rudolph and probably Pretzel because it was quiet for a cafeteria and we were loud.  I will finish this tomorrow. Bye Y'all.

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