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Hi. So today not a happened. The usual: I looked at him, he was looking at me/ was looking at me, stuff like that, at one point I looked at him when he was playing and he actually looked away from his music and looked at me. And at the end of class when we were putting our instruments and I was walking out of the locker room to put my flute on Mr. Noodle's desk one of the second clarinets almost ran into me so I said " quit running ________ " and Pretzel yells from the other side of the locker room as I'm walking out of the locker room "mind your own business _____" (even though it was my business because the kid almost ran into me, but it was Pretzel, so I didn't say anything besides) "Shut up Pretzel!!!" (I actually said his name though). But yeah that's about it, I saw him in the hall earlier in the day too. Is it bad that I saw him what, not even 5ish hours ago when school let out, and I miss him? I think it is. And something about our zodiac signs, they are compatible, we are literally described as something like yin and yang, I'm yang and he is yang. Yeah, okay, this is getting weird now *slowly slides down in chair*. Bye Y'all.

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