Hi. So I am starting this in 5th hour after lunch. Earlier when we first walked into ELA he walked right past the door and I made this weird noise, thankfully nobody heard. Then right as we were leaving the lunchroom (and I was filling up Mury's water bottle because I drank all of the water) and I saw him then Mury obviously saw him because she said "I saw Pretzel". And then when I was walking out of ELA and I saw him. And then earlier when wbe fore we walked into lunch Rudolph waved at Mury (and me too I guess) after he saw us. He was smiling when he first saw us because Mury was tired and she was laying her head on my shoulder as we were standing there, and then for some reason I was like petting her head, and then when we were sitting down, he passed us and he poked Mury's shoulder and she didn't even notice but I did, and I told her and right after he passed us he turned around to see her reaction and then I told her and she said she didn't even feel it, and then when he walked past to go get lunch and she called him over and he said "yes ma'am" when she did, and she asked him if he poked her and he said "yes ma'am" again, it was so funny, well from my point of view at least. And my friend, who is in class with Pretzel right now and she aprantly asked him if he liked me, and I told her to tell him that she would promise not to tell me, and told her that and told her to give me hints, and I still think he said no, but now she is confusing the heck out of me, and I know he said no, but what she's hinting, I'm pretty sure< means that he said yes, which makes no sense to me. But also back to earlier with Rudolph (him and I are still friends, but it is awkward af), and he did the thing that he used to do in 6th grade (wiggling his eyebrows (I do/did that constantly)) and it looked like he was looking right at me, I mean he is like part of the way across the cafeitiria from me, but it looked like he was looking right at me. Yeah, and then I just took the new girl to the restroom and I walked right past my friends' (and Pretzel's) class. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Okay I will tell y'all stuff if/when it happens. My MacBook is dying so I need to go right now. Bye Y'all.
My Life
HumorSo my friend started a blog and it gave me the idea to do it, sooooooo yeah, I'm stupid,crazy, sometimes an idiot, and a lot of other stuff. That's like all I have so yeah. BE WARNED IT MAY BE TOO WEIRD FOR Y'ALL, I'm sorry I'm a dork, just an FYI...