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Hi! Thank you for looking at my story.

So this is my first Magic/Fantasy fanfiction and of course I had to do it featuring my favorite characters from my favorite BL drama 2Moons. This is going to be a Fanfic about all 6 Moons but the main focus in put on the main couple PhaYo (Yes, I'm already revealing the main couple) I really can't split those 2, in my other Fanfic I switched up the other 4 Moons but I really think PhaYo should stay PhaYo.

Anyways this is my 3rd 2Moons Fanfiction actually. If you haven't already you should give my other books 'Eclipse' (My First book) and 'The Gang Leader and his Moon' (My Second Book) A shot. At the moment that I upload this, Eclipse has been Completed and The Gang Leader and his Moon is still ongoing. I tend to put a bit of smut and mature content in my stories and that definitely is going to happen in this book as well so be prepared that this will be rated as 'Mature'.

So I will lay down a few things for you guys here even though it will all probably be mentioned throughout the story but if you are confused you can just look at this chapter or ask me in the comments.

AU Guidelines.


- A Comet passed the Earth a few thousand years ago causing the planet we know as Earth to be implanted with magic by it's dust. Everything has absorbed it's magic. From people who now have the abilities to use magic and magic items. Plants that have certain magical properties useful for elixers, potions, medicine and items or spells. Animals who have changed, mutated or also have abilities beyond that of it's ancestors.

Signs & Signers:

- Along with knowing how to use magic, people have gained another abilty. The ability to find your soulmate. Your Signer. People from ages long ago have called it that, the explaination for that is the fact that after connecting and forming a bond with your destined one you will both find a mark on your body called 'A Sign'. The Sign shows people that you have found your soulmate. So your soulmate is called: Your Signer. You can not change who you will be destined with. People usually find their partner after the age of 18, but there have been instances where the person was younger or even way older than 18 and haven't found them yet. Sometimes people get tired of finding their signer and just settle with someone they love and stop looking. But naturally you will always be drawn to your partner even if you don't realize it.

- When you get your Sign from bonding or connecting with your soulmate, the capacity of your magical power is enhanced. Meaning that you can use slightly more powerful magic than before. However there is the act of 'Solidifying the bond.' This is done by intercourse, but not as simple as a quick fix or fucking, it has to be making love. This will break the limit for both people, meaning that their magical abilities can get as powerful as they wish to become and increases the amount of mana they have. When the bond is solidified, the pair also gains something special called a 'Bond power' This is a power shared between the two and is different for each couple, but multiple couples can have the same abilities. It can change from telepathy to sharing mana, sharing each others magic, seeing through each others eyes. But 1 thing that will always be the same is that the emotions for each other will be stronger and you can basically sense and feel the other's emotions.

- The shape and location of the Sign depend on the person. The shape will always be unique to the 2 Signers and can't be influenced (Meaning that no other couple will have the same Sign and tattooing on top of your Sign won't alter it). The location depends on their personality, so the location of the Sign on their body can be different.

- If a person loses their Signer their magical power will deteriorate slowly. If a person cheats on his signer after solidifying the bond, they will lose their bond power and the person who got cheated on gets very sick every time it happens (Cheating on your Signer a lot would kill them). If you are the one who killed your Signer, either by cheating or literally killing them, your health and mind will deteriorate slowly until you die as well.

- There is no way to remove your Sign, even if you cut off the limb with the Sign on it. The Sign will simply relocate itself.

Mana, Magic & Elements:

- There are 7 main elements. Water. Fire. Air. Earth. Light. Darkness. Neutral. Every person can only learn 3 elements at maximum. 1 Main element, 1 Minor element and the Neutral element. No matter what your main element is, you will always be able to learn neutral magic.

- A Main element is the affinity you get with birth. This does not necessarily mean that you use one of the 6 Main elements directly as Magic. There are branches. For instance, you use Ice magic, this is because Ice is a specialization of the water element. So people who use Ice Magic have water as their main element. But people with Water magic can't use Ice magic, ONLY water magic (Neutral magic is an exception). Your main element is decided by a lot of things, your personality, the natural magical affinity of your soul, the magic of your parents, the magic and elemental energy surrounding you whilst being conceived/birthed.

(Other examples of Magic could be; Magma(Fire), Thunder(Air), Glass(Earth), Curse(Darkness), Celestial(Light), Time(Neutral, very rare to get a specialization on neutral magic.).

- People can also learn a Minor element. Most people have the ability or the mana pool to pick up another element, however they can not specialize this. Meaning that the Minor element they learn can only be one of the 6 Basic element magics. (For example. Water Magic, Air Magic etc.)

- Neutral magic consists of different things like Summoning, Teleportation, Telekinesis, Levitation.

- People have a limit on their use of Magic. They can use magic because they have a magical source of energy: 'Mana.' Every living thing has mana in them. Mana is used to perform the acts of magic, when a person runs out of mana they can't use magic. There are some cases where you can overexerts your magic and will start using your life force after you are drained of your mana. Mana regenerates naturally, it regenerates faster if you surround yourself with your element. And regenerates even faster if you absorb that element. However not everyone knows or has the skills to absorb mana from their surroundings.

Hopefully this gives you guys somewhat of a vision of how the Signers AU works. If you have any questions don't be scared to ask me :3. Hope you guys will enjoy the story!

All characters in this story belong to their original authors and creators.

The 2Moons Characters are NOT created by me, credits given to their rightful author and creator: Chiffon_Cake.

Please refrain from copying, reposting or translating my work without my permission.

Enjoy <3

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