Chapter 51. Beach day

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Wayo's POV

I was waking up from my slumber by gently being craddled against someone's chest with their arms around me whilst i heard the gentle voice of my signer humming a song to wake me up. I let out a yawn and the cradling stopped, the arms that were wrapped around me gently rubbed my belly.

"Morning love." P'Pha's morning voice greeted me as he placed a kiss on my neck.


"How are you feeling?"

"Tired...what day is it?"


"Monday? Don't we have school?"

"You were sleeping so peacefully, so i asked dad to notify our absence for morning classes. We still have an hour or two before we have class." I turned around and frowned at him, i didn't want to miss any classes and i told him this!

"You didn't have to do that..."

"I know, but i wanted to spend more time with my baby while he is awake."

"P'Pha...i've been in this room with you for two days straight, stuck on this bed and this will probably happen again so a few hours are not that bad." I scolded him, making him pout and mutter something under his breath.

"Come on, let's get ready for school." I sat up with a slight wince, asshole couldn't keep it in his pants all weekend. If i didn't push him off the bed this morning i'm pretty sure i would be a paraplegic.

'I can't really keep it in my pants if i don't wear any...'

'Just shut up and get ready.' I slapped his butt when i stood up making him chuckle. I just hope my brothers aren't too upset i didn't message them at all this weekend...Oh fuck! i forgot about P'Sibtis! Stupid P'Pha keeping me busy all night made me forget i was supposed to call him. I will give him a call after school. Sure he won't be mad right?

I wasted some time just staring outside, contemplating. It's such a beautiful day outside, do i really want to be couped up at school for hours on end...change of plans.

"P'Pha!" I shouted.

"One step ahead of you baby! Going out to eat then we'll go to the beach!"

"Thank you!"

"No problem!" I chuckled, we are able to speak mentally but for some reason shouting seems funnier to me, especially when it is about something i could've waited a minute with telling until he was actually within reach instead of behind a door.

We got ready for the day and headed out towards the beach, instead of eating at a restaurant we frequently visit we went ahead and went to a place near the beachsite, it was a korean bbq place and i have never had it before so i was really excited.

The restaurant was amazing, the weather was beautiful and the person who took me here was perfect. He tended to me so gently, P'Pha was really spoiling me and i loved it. We casually talked and i even got a call from Jihan, him and Xiao Gu were going to visit Thailand in a couple of months and wanted to tell me immediately. So i have their visit to look forward to as well. 

Randomly the topic of our solidification came up in our conversation and we were wondering what kind of changes would happen to us, because honestly i don't feel any differently and P'Pha doesn't know either. Chaos said it will take a while to find out our new powers and abilities and we shouldn't worry about it as it will come naturally. Ming and Kit were also supposed to go on a date tonight, P'Pha thought it would be a smart idea to ask for a double date but i immediately shut that idea down. It is their first date, it should be romantic and just for them. Maybe if they are further in their relationship i would have no trouble with a double or triple date.

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