Chapter 16. Love Rival

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Ming's POV

I can't believe Yo just slapped the principal and got away with it, if it were me he would destroy me. I mean have you seen that man? He is like a building, it clear that P'Pha got his genes. But with Yo gone now i had to find an escape before the angels go all crazy with me without Yo here to hold them back. 

I silently took off while they were distracted with some gossip on their phones, so i decided to make use of my time and finally try to talk to Kit, he probably doesn't even want to see me again and he probably doesn't feel the same thing for me that i feel for him but i still want to make this work even if this sounds selfish on my part. And even if things don't go well for us then i guess i should just leave the rest to fate. However i'm not only going to talk to him to once again declare my interest in the small senior, no. I'm also going to talk to him on Yo's part, they are brothers and they actually never felt any bad feelings for each other according to Yo, just awkward and i want them to talk again. Both of them would benefit from having a family member nearby that you can actually confide in.

I'm looking around the classroom he went into last hour, it has been a while since our free hour started and i don't even know if he has the same break time as me but anything to find him...Then i remembered something, i'm a summoner.

"Summoning Magic: Angelica." I whisper gently and open my hand, a flower grows out of my palm and Angelica pops out.

"What can i do to be of service Master."

"Angelica please stop calling me master..."

"No can do...master."

"For fucks sakes..." I groan and rub my forehead, making Angelica laugh softly. 

"I need you to find someone for me Ange."

"Very well. You know how it goes, master."  I closed my eyes and tried to envision Kit as precisely as possible in my head, the color of his hair, his height, facial features, length of his legs, size of his hands, paleness of his skin, sleekness of his hair. This was Angelica's magic. She can show me the way to people or places by envisioning them or it, in my head. She can also use Sylph Magic which is either Water, Air or Earth Magic, it's the name her kind gave their magic.

Angelica is a Sylph from the Forest of Angels, actually she was supposed to be next in line for head guardian of the Forest but she hates fighting even though she is crazy strong. I met her sitting near the water when me and my mom went on vacation to Switzerland a few years back. She was sitting near a river and i was able to spot her, for some reason she didn't flee or dissapear when i approached. I talked to her and she confided in me, i sympathized with her, the pressure of defending almost your whole race, maybe even the use of violence when you just want to explore the world and discover new things. She showed me the way to the forest when i asked her, Sylph weren't supposed to show humans the way to the forest, they had to discover it by themselves because the forest appeared only for some people. I pleaded with her parents - the current guardians of the forest - to let her live her dream and that i could show her the world. Her parents were reluctant but eventually after days of pleading, they accepted it. Me and Angelica formed a contract and i showed her  the human world and all its wonders. We have become really good friends but she still enjoys to tease me by calling me master ever since we formed a contract.

A breeze flew through me and i opened my eyes.

"The library!" I told myself and started running off.

"Thank you Angelica!" I told her as she was now sitting on my shoulder. She smiled at me and then turned back into a flower, the petals being scattered by the wind. It's her way of dissapearing into her space, the first time she did that i thought she died. Turns out it's useless to search 'Did my sylph die?' on google. I just got linked to the wikipedia page...which didn't help.

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