Chapter 44. A Complete Person. A Complete Family.

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Gump's POV

I knew my husband would go overboard and end up taking that man's life, but honestly i couldn't find it in myself to be mad at Sunz. That guy deserved everything he got coming. Mistreating his own children, assisting child experiments, i never sensed any love coming from them or from Kit and Yo towards their parents, their family was already broken apart. I just hope Phana can deal with this, actually...i hope Yo can save him. My boy is very sensitive, whenever we mention his past he freaks out and goes mad. I really hope Yo can help him come to terms with who Phana became after that day...

I guess i should go back to Sunz now and then bring the boys back together to tell them the news. I know Sunz won't be able to sleep without apologizing to Yo and Kit so there is no point telling him to wait until tomorrow. My husband is often seen as a feared, authoritive man that has a no-nonsense lifestyle but he is a big softy with an even bigger heart. 

I smile to myself as i walk back towards our office. Sunz never shows that side to Phana since he still wants to be a strong dad he could one day maybe idolize but he always tells me and our friends how proud he is of Phana and whenever he gets an achievement he makes sure to make a picture and put it in the photobook of our family that is under our bed.

Pushing back the doors to our office i see that as expected my husband is crying, leaning against the desk. Soundlessly i walk closer to him and wrap my arms around him, he doesn't even need to look and only wraps his arms around my torso as well, crying against my chest.

"I'm sorry Gump..."

"Shhh...Don't say anything. You did it for Phana i know."

"I took their dad without a thought."

"They will understand i'm sure. Don't forget that Kit and Yo are also somewhat like our children, they couldn't possibly hate you for protecting your children."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure baby, now stop being a crybaby. We need to go somewhere." I said lifting his face gently, wiping the tear stains with my thumbs.

"Where are we going?" He said wiping his tears with one hand as his other hand rests on my waist.

"The best thing to do right now is to tell Yo and Kit what happened to their parents, i know you won't be able to sleep if we leave it until tomorrow." I say with a soft smile, he smiles back and pulls me closer to take my lips for a kiss.

"You know me too well."

"I know." I smile before both of us start laughing...

Come on, let's get N'Ming and Kit and bring them to where you transported Pha and Yo.

"Okay." He gave me another peck and took my hand.


Wayo's POV

"Uhm...P'Pha?" I asked him carefully. He turned his head to look at me, his purple eyes were so clear and pretty, they weren't that darkish almost black purple like last time. I felt his hand on my cheek, i put my hand on his feeling his warmth again which made him smile.

"How can i help you, my little prince." He said calmly. His emotions made me smile, he was no longer feeling the negative emotions but instead i could feel how light his heart became, filled with joy, love and most of all relief. Like a huge burden came off his shoulders.

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