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Aaron's POV
once we were all ready to leave for the event i made sure to put the room key card in the back of my phone since i knew Taylor and Cameron would probably lose theirs by the end of the long night ahead. we left the hotel room and met up with everyone in the lobby before getting some pictures with one another and going to the event which was a 20 minute drive away.
we all got in separate cars and drove to the place where the event was being held.

once we arrived i sat in the all black expensive car and waited til my door was open and i had to walk the carpet. soon the door opened and i was ushered out of the car and onto the carpet after lots of screams and people calling my name in heavy french accents i had all of my pictures taken i headed inside to the event. i was greeted by canapés, champagne and a variety of cocktails and then told to take a seat in the front row and wait for the rest of my friends to come through.

Jack's POV
me and Jessie got our pictures taken separately and together and headed inside taking a tall glass of champagne each and going to our seats. we saw Aaron sitting down and went over to him and took up two of the seats beside him. soon everyone had arrived and we were ready for the fashion show to begin. the clothes that the models were wearing were sick and i just wanted to be as stylish as them to be honest. Jessie was mesmerized by the outfits some of the girl models was wearing and wished she could of been up there after whispering in my ear telling me she'd love to get into modeling. once the show was over the after part was being held in the same venue just a different function room which was upstairs. we followed the crowd of people that was waiting to go up the stairs taking pictures with some people that we knew from online.

Rye's POV
i stood against the bar in the upstairs ballroom the floor vibrating with the loudness of the music blasting from the speakers and people dancing while waiting for the drink that i ordered off of the bar man. i felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Madison there in a gorgeous red body-con dress and a smirk on her face. since knowing about what she's done to Brooklyn and Jessie i was weary of her and what she'd try get me to do. i said hi to her before turning around after seeing Taylor stand next to me ordering a drink.while i was talking to Taylor my drink had arrived and Madison was gone so then me and Taylor went over to a couch where we sat jack,Jessie,Loren and Harvey sitting. we sat with them and i drank my vodka and coke mix which tasted a bit off to what it usually tastes like but i let it slip my mind as i was chatting to Harvey and jack until we all got up to go dance and talk to some people. while dancing i felt a feeling I've never felt before it was strange as i felt my whole body relax and before i knew it my vision was blurry and i was on the floor.

Jack's POV

me and Jessie were laughing,dancing and having fun until suddenly rye collapse onto the floor. i took Jessie's hand and pushed my way through the clumps of people trying to get to rye as i saw Cameron and Aaron beside him shaking him trying to wake him and shouting over the pulsing music. i got down beside him while Jessie called an ambulance to meet us at the back of the venue while we carried rye off of the dance floor, back down the stairs and to the back door of the venue so there was no paparazzi there. when we got to the backdoor and sat on the pavement ruining our newly bought suits but it was certainly worth it for rye's health he started to move and his eyes finally opened. "why are we on the ground outside" rye finally spoke. "you were unconscious on the dance floor rye do you know what caused it?" Cameron said  just before the ambulance turned around the corner seeing us on the pavement.

Jessie's POV

Cameron, Aaron, Jack and I took an uber to the hospital since we weren't allowed to go in the ambulance with rye as there wasn't enough space. jack called Blair on the way to let him know what happened and he said that he'll get to the hospital as soon as he can. we arrived at the hospital and filled in a form on behalf of rye about his details and all that kinda stuff and proceeded down the halls to ward 2 room 679 where rye was in. he was perfectly fine and was chatting away to us until the doctor came in and said that all that was in his stomach was alcohol and a drug that will do him no harm other than make him pass out for a short period of time, which has obviously already happened. they said that he can go whenever head like and take it easy for the next few hours. we waited for Blair to arrive and all got an uber back. once we got back we all headed to Aaron and Cameron's room and said goodnight and thank you to Blair. we sat down in there room Cameron and rye on the two seated sofa, Aaron on his bed and me and jack on a chair in the corner of the room.

 "sorry for ruining tonight guys" rye spoke breaking the comfortable silence of us all glued to the bright screen of our phones. "aw dont be sorry bro it wasn't your fault it wasn't a great after-party even to be honest" jack said to rye. "but i think i know who did it"rye said, "who do you think" i said intrigued into who it was. "Madison was there and talking to me at the bar but once i turned around to talk to Taylor she had gone and my drink was right beside where she was stood" rye said. "oh my god well it must of been her then as shes literally the only possible person it could of been except for the barman who i highly doubt drugged you" Cameron said laughing towards the end. "well what should we do?" Aaron wondered thinking of ways to get back at Madison. " i think if we dont do anything just yet and make sure everyone on tour has her unblocked on social media our show her the we have nothing to hide and that we aren't bothered by her in the slightest" jack said with us all agreeing to his genius solution and going on our phones to make sure she wasn't blocked from our social medias.

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