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"Haechan!!! For the 4th time, stop pulling my hair and smelling it" you yelled at your classmate haechan while turning to face him. He always annoys you before the lesson starts
"Your hair smells nice" he said sniffing the scent of your hair
"If I tell you the name of my shampoo will you live me alone" you asked
"Mayb-..." he didn't finish his sentence because Mr. Lee came in the classroom

"Good morning students" Mr lee said making the students silent
"Today I'm going to divine you into groups of 4 students I made the listen of names myself so it won't be a mess" the teacher starts calling names, everyone got with their partners but still 4 more students. You, haechan and two other girls, then the teacher gave you the subjects for the projects
"Oh no not with them!" You whispered to yourself but haechan heard you
"What's wrong?" He asked you
"Out of all people I got to be with you and them"
"You should be thankful to that, you got me as a partner"
"That's not the worst part, those girls hate me so much and i don't want to deal with them" you said before laying your head on the table
"Don't worry, I'll be by your side I won't let them harm you"
You lifted your head and looked at him
"Why do you want to do that?" you asked him
"Because I want to" he simply said and turned his attention to the teacher

Time skip~
You and your partners decided to meet at the cafe to do the project. You set on the table waiting for the others to come and the first one to do so was Haechan. You waved at him so he can see you which he did, he came to your table and set on the other chair beside you
"Always early?" he said smiling to you
"Late as always" you said to him
"Well, not today miss"
You were about to talk to him but the two girls came to the cafe and they searched for your table and one of them saw you sitting with haechan, she nudged her friends arm
"Look, there he is.... why does she have to come too?"
"Well, the stupid teacher did put us on the same group but don't worry I'll embarrass her in front of haechan, he'll hate her and he can be ours but now let's go to them" the two girls made their way to your table
"Hi haechan, we aren't late are we?" one of them said to haechan ignoring you completely, you didn't mind it but you felt a little bit jealous.
"Shall we start already?" You asked them, the two girls ignored you again but haechan said yes so you start doing the project.

After 1 hour, you felt thirsty so you ordered a milkshake and the other ordered their drinks too. Haechan arranged the papers and put them away so the drinks won't spill on them. The waiter came to your table with your orders and when he was about to put them on the table, one of the girls purposely spilled her drink on your stomach, you got surprised and so did haechan, he gave you a napkin to wipe your dress with it
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that" the girl apologised and you knew she doesn't mean it
"I'm going to the bathroom" you said before getting up
"I'm coming with you" haechan said also getting up
"You don't have to" you start walking to the bathroom and haechan was stubborn he came after you.
"Well that didn't go like it supposed to go" the girl said

You went into the bathroom to wash the spilled juice on your dress but it didn't help, you cursed to yourself before going out of the bathroom. You got surprised to see haechan waiting for you at the door
"Why didn't you stay there?"
"I didn't want to" he said
"Let's go back and finish this stupid project" you said walking back forgetting about the stain on your dress, you set back ignoring the girls.

Another hour passed you still have a little bit work to do. Haechan's phone rang getting his attention, someone was calling him so he had to go for a moment to finish his call elsewhere. It was an opportunity for the girls
"I don't know why haechan is always with a stupid girl like you" one of them said to get your attention
"Excuse me? Did you say something?" You said
"Stupid and also deaf" the other girl said making her friend laugh
"Sorry I don't understand what you are saying, I don't speak stupid" you said calmly
"Oh girl... I think we have to take action"
"What are going to do? Call your parents and go home crying for their help?"
"Oh that's it!!" One if the girls stood up and walked beside you so she can slap you on your face, you didn't flinch even a little because you know what's gonna happen. Before the girl could slap you, someone held her hand to stop her
"Don't you dare"
The girl got surprised by how scary haechan's voice was. He pushed her away
"If you try and hurt her next time, I won't hesitate on hurting you... Now go away I don't want to see you two again" haechan said, the girls got scared so they gathered their stuffs and went out

Haechan set beside you again and looked at you
"That was cool, did you see how scared they are" haechan laughed

"I liked your sassiness, you and me would make a great couple" he said looking at you with a smile on his face
"Are you confessing?" You said turning to look at him
"Maybe...." he said, you laughed at him and you gave him a quick peck on his lips. He was shocked at first but then he smirked at you knowing that you love him back

Hope you enjoyed it don't forget to vote and comment and give me feedbacks 💌💌

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