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It's nana's birthday and y'all know what's coming right without further do enjoy reading and happy birthday to Jaemin 💖💖💖

"Does any of you know why y/n and jeno aren't here today?" Your boyfriend Jaemin asked his friends

"No idea" his friend Renjun replied shrugging

"Strange..." Jaemin said to himself

"Maybe you should call her or him" His other friend Haechan said and jaemin nodded

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and he dialed out your number but you didn't pick up and jeno the same. Jaemin start thinking to himself, are you cheating on him with jeno since the two are close? He was over thinking that he didnt notice haechan talking to him until the other waved a hand in front of jaemin's face

"Are you okay jaemin?" Renjun asked

"Yeah I'm fine, let's go already we're late to our class" he said before starts walking with his friend to his next class.

> Time skip >

School ended and the three guys walked out of the school building. They made their way to their houses, they always walk together, jaemin made it to his house and waved goodbye to renjun and haechan before entering the house.

"Mum? I'm home" he yelled throwing away his bag and he received a response from his mother telling him to go to the kitchen where she was making dinner

"How's your day darling?" She asked him

"It wasn't that good, jeno and y/n didn't show up at school and I'm worried" he spilled out

"Maybe she's sick and he's too or one of them had important thing to do today, you should try calling them" his mother suggested

"I did but neither of them picked up"

"You think something's happening between them don't you?" His mother asked him and he nodded slowly

"Son, I've met your girlfriend before and I can see the love in her eyes when you both speak I don't think she's a type to cheat so don't over think it, why don't you go to her house you'll find her there" his mother said trying to reassure him

"Okay, I'll go see here, thanks mom" he said before kissing his mother on her cheek and walking out of the house

He start walking to your house. On the way there, a little kid stopped him jaemin smiled at him and kneeled down

"What's wrong buddy? Are you lost?" Jaemin asked

"I lost my mom I can't find her, can you help me?" The little kid said with teary eyes

"Of course, come let's look for her" jaemin said wiping away the tears on the kid's face before holding his hand and start walking

They walked around looking for the mom, they found her soon and she thanked jaemin for getting her child to her. Jaemin smiled at the both of them before they start walking away, he looked rmaround and he saw that he's in front of jewellery store, he looked inside and he got surprised, he heart start beating fast. He saw you and jeno trying some couple bracelets, his suspsious is right, you're cheating him and with his best friend. He felt sad and his eyes starts watering, how could you so that. He wiped his tears before walking back to his house, there's no point of going to yours.

He walked in the house making his way to his bedroom but his mother stopped him

"Jaemin why aren't you at y/n's house?" She asked him and saw that his eyes were red

"Are you crying? What happened?" She asked him

"She's with jeno buying some couple bracelets" he said with sadness in his voice

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