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You were laying on your bed and it's 1 am. You couldn't sleep because there's something bothring you.
Your best friend Yuta since your childhood is getting married with someone else soon, you had developed some feelings for him in the last 3 years but when he told you that he's getting married, you felt hurt you tried to move on him and stop talking to him but you couldn't, you have so much memories with him
"Stupid heart, why do you always beat so fast when he's with me!!?" You screamed before smacking your face into your pillow and start sobbing but after awhile you stopped.

2 weeks later>>>
"Can I come in?" You heard his voice, you missed him, you two didn't talk for awhile because he was preparing for his marriage. You wanted to cry but you have to be strong.
"Y- yes, come in it's open" you replied
Yuta walked in your room and came closer and hugged you, you hesitated at first but hugged back
"I missed you so much, sorry I've been busy lately" he said before pulling away
"It's okay, it's your marriage you have to organise everything" you said
"Are you okay? You seem tired, did you sleep well last night?" Yuta asked you
"Yeah I'm okay but work has been tiring, I always have to come home at 2 am"
you lied
"Please take care of yourself, I don't want anything to happen to you" he said putting his hand on your back. Your heart starts beating fast

"Stop it yuta, I can't take it anymore. It hurts" you thought to yourself but didn't realise that you said the last part loudly

"What hurts?" Yuta asked looking at you confused
"N- nothing, I'm just- my head hurts"you lied to yuta again putting your hand on your forehead so he lead you to your bed
"Sleep then, you need it" he said
"Yuta, it's oka-" he cut you off
"Please y/n, you need to rest" he protested
You did as he said and he set on the bed
"Now close your eyes and sleep, I'll be here when you wake up" he said pulling the blanket on you
"You don't have to, your fiance will worry about you" you said trying to get rid of him, you want to cry, you want to let it out.
"She won't, she's busy today. I'll go home when she finish, now sleep" he said and patted your head. You closed your eyes slowly before falling asleep, yuta was just staring at you, feeling his heart beating
"I'm sorry y/n, but I have no choice" he thought. After some minutes, he went downstairs to prepare something for you to eat to when you wake up

Time skip>>
You finally woke up and looked at your surrounding, yuta isn't in your room
"He probably went out" you opened your phone to see what time is it. It's 8 pm, you walked out of your bed and went downstairs. You expected no one in your house but you saw yuta watching the tv and the smell of delicious food is everywhere
"Yuta?" You called and he turned your way with his healing smile
"You finally up, I was waiting for you, i made some takoyaki let's eat" he said and he lead you to the table.

You set on the chair and looked at yuta walking away, soon he came back with the takoyaki, he placed a plate in front of you and the other is in front of him, you took the chopsticks and start eating, your eyes lit up
"It's so delicious" you said to yuta with a smile on your face
"Glad you liked them" he said pinching your cheeks
You finished your plate and looked at yuta
"You really didn't have to do this" you told him
"No it's fine y/n, anything for my best friend" Yuta said, you felt your heart being crushed and little did you know that he regreted saying those two words
"Why so stupid yuta!?" He thought to himself and looked at you. He saw hurt in your eyes and he knew that you're putting a fake smile right now, it hurts him seeing you like that but he has no choice but to get married to his fiance. He's forced.
Yuta then cleaned up the table while you went to the couch because he insisted.

Moments later, yuta's phone rang, he didn't bother to look at the caller id
"Hello..... You finished your work?.... okay I'm coming see you soon" and he hang up the phone
"Y/n?" He called you but you just hummed
"I have to go now, please take good care of yourself, sleep well and don't over work yourself" he said and you looked at him, he then kissed your forehead before getting out of the house. You stayed there without moving for about some minutes, your eyes start tearing up and you couldn't hold it any longer so you cried.
"Why does it have to hurt this much?!" You yelled and you threw the pillow to the floor.

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