Jeno (4)

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I don't know about you but Jeno have been wrecking me since the start of 2019 and he doesn't seem to stop, I literally can't!

"Grandma I need to get going" You shouted out your sentence so your grandma can hear from a distance

"Why are you leaving it's 12 am can't you stay just tonight and sleep in the shop?" You grandma said as soon as she got to you are, she looked at you in worry

"I'm really sorry but I have to go, I forgot to bring some of my books that I need to do my homework so I need to go get it and finish there" you explained to your grandma, she still looked at you in a worry took her a little longer to calm her expression

"You're so stubborn" she said after letting out a sigh "okay you can leave but next time I'm not letting you go by yourself at this hour"

"It won't happen again I promise" you quickly went and hugged her before leaving a kiss on her forehead

You waved goodbye to your grandma before leaving the house, you started walking back to your house, there wasn't any soul walking around, it made you feel uneasy so you hurried your footing, you knew it wasn't a good idea to walk home at midnight but you have an exam coming up and you need to get ready for it.

You walked for about Ten minutes and your house is still far, when suddenly there was someone walking in the distance while singing, the voice wasn't stable so you knew that the person singing was probably in a bar drinking his problem. You kept walking ignoring the voice but you were still looking at the guy scared while praying that he wouldn't see you but unfortunately for you he noticed you right away so he started making his way to you

"Oh god he saw me" you said quietly to yourself before deciding to walk slowly, you have an idea on how to get away from him

As you were walking slowly the man walked fast your way but he was waddling

"Hey babygirl wait up!" The man said with his drunken voice as he making his way to you, you didn't look at him and tried to ignore him which made it worse

He ran to you as fast as he could and caught up to you and that's when you made a run for it, he started chasing after you, you thought you could get away from him but the man was faster than you thought he would be

"Hey don't worry I'm not gonna harm you" he said breathing heavily

"No get away from me, I should've gotten something to defend myself with" you mumbled the last sentence to yourself

A few more minutes of running, you started getting tired while the other man was still behind you. As you were running, you heard a few voices talking for the distance so you tried to get to there fast before deciding on screaming for help

"Help!! Someone help please!" You yelled on top of your lungs.

You noticed that the voices stopped and from a few miles away you saw a group of boys riding on bikes and they seem to notice you so they made their way to you, you stopped running and the man caught up to you put his arms around you

"I fucking got you" he said laughing and you tried to break free from him

"Get of me you pervert!" You shouted at him

Not long enough until two guys came to you and pulled the man away from you, one of them stayed with you calming you down while the other one started hitting the man and another one joined him, they let go of him after they beat him up till he ran away, then another three guys stopped their bikes close to where you were

"Hey it's fine now don't worry, you're safe" the guy said with his sweet voice that sounded familiar

"O- okay" you said while managing to calm your breath, you looked up at the guy's face and you noticed that he was a student in most of your classes and you and him became friends but you two don't hang out with each other alot because he has other friends "Jaemin?" You uttered his name after catching your breath

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