Discovering Rhyme

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A/N:  This is more of a filler chapter so I can get the story to the point I need for the songs to continue. That said, there won't be a lyric prank in this one.

"Who are you?" Rhyme asked in wonder as she stared up at Draco.

The young girl had escaped the room while her mother had slept, having not had any sleep for a week straight. Rhyme had wandered into the kitchen where Draco was preparing breakfast, having found a knack for cooking.

Draco looked down to find a small girl staring up him in wonder.

"Uh, hi?" He asked.

"Hello. You must be Dwaco. Mummy hates you," She stated rather bluntly stretching her arms up.

Draco didn't hesitate in reaching down and picking up Rhyme and resting her on his hip as he continued cooking with one arm, the other supporting the girl as she chatted away to him about anything that crossed her mind.

"And Charlie threw the book across the room and ran out screaming about leaving the Hungarian Horntails cage open," Rhyme said retelling a story she had remembered, "His boss, Racheal, was really mad at him so I put on a sad face and I told her it was all my fault because I had been sad and wanted his snuggles since he gives the best snuggles and Charlie wasn't in trouble anymore."

"You are a little Slytherin aren't ya," Draco laughed as he poured the eggs into a large bowl and places the bacon on a platter.

"What's a Sly-the-in?" Rhyme asked.

"Slytherin," he corrected, "Has your mum told you of Hogwarts?"

"Yes! She said I could go when I'm eleven," Rhyme said excitedly, "I get a hat on my head and it tells me if I go to Lions, Eagles, Badgers, or Snakes!"

"I see. Well Slytherin is the proper name for the snake house," Draco explained, "Which do you want to be in?"

"Eagle House!" Rhyme smiled, "The wear blue robes. I like blue."

Draco chuckled turning to pull the sausages out of the oven. He began to plate them, Rhyme still chattering away on his hip when Pansy came in.

She stood there dumbfounded for a moment, "Oh this is too good," she muttered before leaving to go get Blaise, Theo, and pretty much everyone in the house.

"So mummy yelled 'Don't you even think about teaching her that' and Charlie laughed at how mad mummy was and I didn't know what they were talking about and I wanted them to play with me, so I clapped really loudly and all the lights went out and then I clapped again and they turned back on," Rhyme said exposing her first signs of magic at an early age.

"Never thought I'd see the day Draco Malfoy would be cooking whilst carrying a child," Pansy remarked from the door.

Draco turned and looked over his shoulder as Rhyme kept talking, unbothered by the sudden entrance of the six Slytherins.

"Hey," he smiled to them before turning back to the stove and turning it off.

He waved his wand and the food went soaring into the dining room.

"Breakfast is ready," he said, chuckling at Rhymes awed expression.

"I'm so happy I took a picture of that," Liv laughed as Draco left the room, talking to Rhyme.

"Honestly you'd think that kid was his," Astoria said, "The way they are getting along."

"You don't think...." Pansy trailed off.

"No." Blaise said cutting across her hanging question, "She's not Draco's."

"So you know who the father is?" Liv asked turning to Blaise with bright eyes.

"Er, no," Blaise sighed, "Kind of, I guess? Its complicated. Ask Heroin to explain if you want, I only remember like two sentences she said."

"Bugger," Pansy cursed as the girls left.

"Have you seen Rhyme?" Hermione asked frantically as she slid on the hardwood floor, in socks, into the room.

"She's fine. With Draco," Blaise said.

Hermione sighed in relief before bolting her head up, "Wait what?"

"It was hilarious. He was cooking breakfast and she was just sitting on his hip talking away a million words a minute," Theo grinned.

"I didn't want to know then," Hermione mumbled, "Are they in the dining room?"


"Thanks," she said slipping into the dining room.

"She hasn't been sleeping. The circles under her eyes are extremely dark and she's pale," Goyle observed, "Hair seems to have thinned out a bit too. Motherhood is hard."

"Not her hair!" Theo gasped in horror. Hermione's hair was one of his favorite aspects of her, especially since she let him freely play with it hoping he'd stumble upon a way to keep it from frizzing.

Blaise laughed and walked into the dining room.

"Hey," Hermione smiled as she entered.

"Mummy!" Rhyme smiled from where she was sitting on Draco's lap.

"You've been missing it. She won't leave him alone," Pansy said as Hermione sat in the chair next to her, "Its awesome."

"Better him than me," Hermione yawned.

"Have you been sleeping?" Astoria asked noticing the same signs of being sleep deprived that Goyle had.

"Yeah of course. Its just an adjustment from Romania. Time zones and all," Hermione said shrugging it aside.

"Here's your kid," Draco said passing Rhyme over to Hermione.

"My name is Rhyme," Rhyme stated.

"I know," Draco grinned, "I'll be back soon. I'm going to the Manor to grab some books I need for work."

He quickly appeared away, not leaving much time for responses.

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